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It's so surprise that Damian and Tim have sexual tension. It's so thick that you can literally cut it with a knife. Trust me. Dick pointed it out once and that ended up with him being pinned to the wall by a batarang. "Get a room you two!" Jason always says when the two are alone.

Damian was about 13 when puberty hit. It was not a pleasant feeling. He suddenly had these urges to... Do stuff. To Drake. Which is unnerving considering how much he hated him. But that quickly changed and soon they were mature enough to have civil conversations. Not without Damian blushing once in a while.

"What are you doing, Drake?" Damian asks as he enters the Batcave, noticing Tim at the computer, going through some files which he couldn't translate as it was written in Swedish, the one language he didn't learn "Father said to go to bed, and he looked specifically at you,"

Tim hums in adjournment whole he continued scrolling. Damian sighs and decides to sit next to him, pulling up another chair and sees that he is currently sipping coffee. "What is the case about?" he asks, trying to keep up conversation.

"Something about an android prototype being stolen," He starts, turning to look at the younger "We'll find it by tommorow," Damian nods. Tim smirks when he notices that Damian had a light red color spread across his face. The tan on his face making it harder to see, but the older was more observant than that.

It wasn't going to take a detective for Tim to know that Damian has been crushing on him. Hard. And just to tease the boy, he grinned "So, why are you blushing?" He asks, making Damian blush and stutter more while glaring at the older man.

"The fuck is wrong with you Drake!? How dare you assume such... such... vulgar things! I would never blush from the likes of you! As far as I care, an Al Gul never stutters-"

Tim chuckles as Damian continues rambling throughout the night.


"Drake is so obnoxious!" Damian snarls as Jason takes another sip of his punch. They were at another company party hosted at the Manor and now Damian had stalked up to Dick and Jason who were drinking.

Dick raises an eyebrow "Why?" "Because he assumes such disgusting things as of me blushing and not to mention stuttering! How dare he! He thinks because he's a fucking detective he's so damn smart! Well guess what!? He's the most atrocious detective I've ever come across! And the most deficient of them all!"

Dick looked at his lover for guidance and Jason merely shrugged and ruffled the youngest bats hair "You have a katana don't you?" That's all Damian really needed.

A Little Less Conversation And, A Little More Touch My Body (BatFam Oneshot) Where stories live. Discover now