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His paintbrush swept across the palette, swirling together deep blue oceans and light blue skies, the paint eagerly awaiting to aid in the composition of his next creation. He collected the colors, lost in thought, as tears rolled down his cheeks.

Bringing the brush down to his chosen canvas, he allowed his emotions to take over, barely paying attention as it danced across his hand and forearm, covering his smooth skin and fresh scars. He much preferred having everything hidden.

He continued to swipe the paint across his arms until the sun had set and his brain had gone fuzzy.

Letting out a sigh, he put his brush down, staring out his bedroom window at the impossibly dark night sky and wiping away the last of his tears with the hem of his t-shirt. He let his new masterpiece dry before crawling into bed and wrapping himself in blankets, a tired yawn escaping him.

Despite how exhausted he felt, he knew that sleep would evade him tonight.

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