Sealed Memories

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Seal the tomb!" he yelled at Nasus as he desperately dragged Xerath with him. "Release me weakling!" Xerath commanded as he released pure energy to loosen Renekton's hold.

"Seal it Nasus or the world will be destroyed!" he yelled again. "There must be another way brother!" he yelled back at Renekton. "There is no time to argue! I can barely hold him!" cried Renekton as he turned his back to the entrance, desperately pushing the monster deeper inwards. Despite Renekton's strength, Xerath slowly advanced to escape the tomb. "I can't hold him any longer! Seal it!" his last words to his brother. Nasus did not argue any further and started to seal the tomb. As the stone slab was about to close completely, Nasus closed his eyes to Renekton's screams of pain.

That's not how it happened. said the voice inside his head. "Let me show you how it really happened." he said with an evil tone. Flashes of a different reality occupied all of Renekton's memory. Instead of remembering Nasus sealing the tomb on his command, Xerath created a complete deception of what happened. "What are you doing Nasus!?" he yelled as Nasus released Xerath and ran out the tomb. "I'm sealing the tomb!" he answered as he began closing the enormous door. "Alright! I'll try to incapacitate him and get out!" he yelled. "There is no time! Forgive me Brother!" yelled Nasus as the door was already half-way. "Nasus! Wait! No!" cried Renekton as the door sealed completely shut behind him. Such a thing would never change him, but centuries of this maddening indoctrination would cripple even the strongest hero, such as an ascended one.

Centuries passed and along came adventurers that opened their prison. The story of their escape quickly spread throughout the land. Although miles apart, Xerath's work remained to poison Renekton's mind. After immeditately leaving the Shuriman ruins, Renekton set out to search for his brother. After years of brainwashing, one memory was left alone on purpose. The location of the great Library.

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