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 I groaned while hitting snooze on my alarm clock. Today is Monday meaning today is school. I dread waking up for this, I mean. I love waking up early.. but waking up early to go to a place where you have to sit down for an hor or two straight is not my thing. And then there's the assholes of school and it all. I rather be in school back in California, but out here.. I don't know how anyone acts or likes to dress or anything for that matter, How am I going to survive today? Scratch that how am i going to survive this year?

     After getting dressed i decided to put on a little bit of make up to hide my dark under eyes. This is the only thing I hated about my face, no matter HOW much I sleep; I always wake up with heavy bags. Which sucks, but nothing a little concealer can't fix. I grabbed my sunglasses just in case and threw them on, Being done with that, I grabbed my bag and made my way downstairs. "-e nervous" I heard Nick finish his sentence. "Who nervous about what?" i asked.

                "Your brother is growing balls and is trying out for the baseball team" my dad held up his mug of coffee for 'cheers', and smiled. I laughed a little. I swear,i feel like my father is a reincarnation of the great gatsby when he does that little move.

                "Shut up." Nick rolled his eyes while stuffing his face with a bagel. I grabbed an apple and started eating it. "Well, good luck brother. You'll kick ass." I smiled with my cheeks full of apple.

                "Why is there a chipmunk in my kitchen?" I heard my mom say as she walked in. My dad and Nick laughed and I rolled my eyes. 

                "Ha Ha, funny. Make fun of my cancer chubby cheeks." I said while taking another big bite of my apple. "We love ya, dems." My dad kissed my head and playfully punched my shoulder.

                "Yeah, we love you both now get out before you get to school late." Lori said while handing us money.

                "So much love in that sentence mom.." Nick said while laughing. I giggled and walked out the house with Nick putting his arm around my shoulder.

I leaned my head on the window as we drove off to school in Nicks, Wrangler. "Ready?" Nick asked me while taking a quick glance at me. I shook my head quickly as I watched his hands on the steering wheel. "I hope I have classes with you." I sighed out now staring out the window. It was drizzling, and beautiful out. The trees were huge and green and I never wanted to leave this sight.

                "Doubt we won't." Nick smiled out, making me feel a little better. The butterflies weren't hitting my stomach as hard now. "Don't be nervous." He added on while pulling into the school parking lot.

                There were so many students parading around. Some pushing in the school entrance, trying to get in quickly. Others leaning against their wet car hoods, smoking a cigarette. I rolled my eyes and linked my finger in Nicks belt loop, something i'd always done so i won't lose him. He kissed my forehead and put his arm around me. People moved out of his way much quicker than they did my own, considering he is 5'9 and i'm only 5'2 and a half. The half ALWAYS counts. Nick shoved the door open and the ac hit me like a big slap in the face. I should've worn long sleeve. I let go of nicks belt loop and walked a little faster to keep my pace up. He went straight towards the main office, avoiding some googly eye looks he was receiving from girls. We stopped in front of the big desk, two school aids running around trying to help the kids who don't know what classes they have. I sighed while Nick leaned a little against me. "This is going to be forever." I mumbled while shifting my weight from one leg to another. He stiffened up and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

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