That terrible day at the church

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Eijah's pov

* flash back *

i ran into the church shaking and out of breath. I took a deep breath then saw her life less body. he was holding her head up. she had blood stains all over her neck.then I heard the two heart breaking words"she gone "I looked at my brother. I tried to hold it together but I couldn't I fell to the ground , and sat there just looking at here "What happened?"I asked as my hand slowly touched her face.


"She is gone brother"I look down at the beautiful , sweet, caring women that laid dead in my arms. I could not believe she was gone. She was never the one that was supposed to get hurt. Should've been me who got hurt. I then looked up my brother

"You've been bitten"I said as looked at my brother who had bite marks all over him. I gently took away my left hand from her lifeless body. I bit my wrist,then held it up for my brother to drink.I know he would be stubborn now. I knew how much hayley had meant to him.But she also meant something to me, she was the mother of my child , my friend . She was the kind of friend I can tell anything too and know I won't be judged.
" you need to drink brother. Because I need your help finding my.. Our family's hope "
I watched as my brother looked up at me a little surprised at what I had said.but then after a few seconds he then took my blood to heal himself.he then gently picked up Hayley's body from my lap and setter down on the table" I can't believe she gone " he said almost in a whisper but I could hear it."brother"I said as I stood up and put my hand on his shoulder" let's go get The only part we have left of her" I said referring to hope .and as I said that he turned around and started walking out without even looking at me.

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