열 두(12).Vacation

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As the airplane landed we got out and take a private tour bus to our hotel in Saipan as we arrived people helped us with our luggage we all said: "thank you".I stared at the shore, it was so beautiful.

I awed at the sight of the waves crashing on the sand, leaving tiny trails of lines left behind

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I awed at the sight of the waves crashing on the sand, leaving tiny trails of lines left behind.
After the people helped us out with are luggage in our rooms and we thanked them,we all went inside.
I was sharing a room with Jimin.
And V and Jungkook were sharing one too.(This isn't going to be good for Y/N)I thought.
RM and Jin,we're sharing a room,which lefted to no surprise.
I figured out that Suga was the lucky one sharing a room with Y/N.
(That Hyung)I thought.
J-Hope told me Suga,was sharing a room with Y/N.I was Thankful she wasn't sharing a room with V.I didn't like one bit,with V being my roomate.
I started to unpack and put my things to there places.
Then V come in.
Oh,Hi V,I said.
Why did you hug Y/N yesterday?
"Cause she was about to apologize for her being scared,when we watched the horror movie.'Why are you Jealous?'
What no
"Jungkook,come on I know when your jealous,I saw you staring yesterday.
How did you know?
"It was quite obvious to tell"
Don't you dare tell her
"As long as you don't tell her too"
With that V begin to unpack
(What does that mean,"don't tell her too")A sudden realization went to me
V likes her too
Hey J-Hope is it true V hyung and Jungkook Maknae,are sharing a room?
"Yes,I don't except it to be good,J-Hope replied.
"Those two fight over Y/N all the time."
Let's just say someone else likes her too,what will Jungkook do.
"Probably Fight with him too,unless he's quiet about it.J-Hope gave me a weird stare.
"You like her?"J-Hope asked curiously.
Uhh,I almost stuttered
Just wanted to know.
"Okay then,J-Hope eyed me curiously.
Then started to unpack his things from his luggage.
(Omg,J-Hope almost found out)I thought.
RM and Jin's POV
Jin:All the younger hyungs are fighting over Y/N,but I got to admit,who wouldn't she's a good cook,that's girlfriend material.
RM:Well were older so we know better not to fight over a girl right?
Jin:Yeah I guess so
RM:Am going to unpack my things
I figured out that Y/N was my roomate.
The room had only 'one bed'.
As she come in,she said
"Why is there one bed?"
Must have been a mistake with the planning
"Can't we just tell them?"
No we can't it will attract attention,and then people will know were here,and people will start thinking that we were rude to the staff.
"Well it's only for 3 days,and I can sleep on the floor.
No you'll get cold.
"Fine",she said.
"But you better not do something,we'll both regret".
Like this?
I said,as I wrapped my hands around her waist.
"Min Yoongi,get your hands off me!"
Okay sheesh,I said,as I removed my hands from her waist.
I smirked at the thought
(But you better not do something we'll both regret)
This Vacation was going to be fun.
I thought as I started unpacking.
Hope y'all enjoy this chapter,I tried to add some drama in here,Hope you read and vote even if I write super long chapters.
Anyways Peace out
My Lovely Readers!

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