Mon frère

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I sleep so good last night and I even dream about Amandy. I had so much fun with her at the club. She so fun to be around and I really like her. The best part is she know how to dance real good and she share that with me last night when we dance together. I went in her room and we sat and talk for about an hour. Just about us and she tell me so much about her. She a very humble person and she have a good heart. I feel so nervous around her. She make me feel sick but that a good thing. It crazy but hard to explain. Only I understand but I bet Lau I think I did things with her cause he just dirty. He always think like that when I with girls. But I not like that with women. I more respectful than him and he say I not though. I roll over to get my phone and it say seven twenty. I guess I really had a good night to be waking up early. I sneak in Laurent room and he sleep on the couch. I go in his kitchen and fill a big bowl with cold water. I slowly walk over to him and move his phone away. I quickly dump the water on his face and he pop up fast. I run so fast into my room and lock the door at the last second. He start banging on my door and I fall on the floor cause I laugh so hard. I start to cry and I can't breathe.


He was so mad but it only made me laugh harder. I get up and slowly crack the door. He push it open and tackle me. He hold my arms and I try to slip out from his grip. He grab a pillow on the ground and start hitting me. I could not move or breathe cause he was on top of me and mushing the pillow on my face. So I stop moving.

"I surrender Laurent!.......Damn!"

He get off me and kick my side.

"Watch it bitch!"

"Why you up so early anyway".

I get up and we both still out of breath.


"Oh cause you get some last..."

"Non shutup Laurent. I did not".

"Larry calm downnnn bro".

"Mad or NAH!"

"Shutup and make me food bitch"

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