From The Start

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A lot has changed in the 5 years since August blew up and I went off to school. Life has been a whirlwind but a battle. One thing I wish we would have known or at least me. Fame doesn't make everything magically better, in fact it only intensifies the problems that were already on the horizon.

August has been living his dream. Making music and performing across the world. It's like everything he ever said he'd do, he's done and continuously working As for me, I'm the chief nurse at Atlanta General Hospital. Our schedules are very different. I'm on call 3 days a week and August's tour dates are random so there's no real for planning. We try our hardest but it's life.

Now when I said problems already on the Horizon are only magnified by fame, I know it all too well. When August first blew up, we were still in a relatively new relationship. We'd been through a lot in that short time frame but it was only the start of "us" so we still had a lot to figure out. About 6 months into our long distance relationship, August met this girl on tour with him. She went by Candy, I've always wondered what kind of name was candy anyway but I digress. He swore to me she was just a back-up dancer but I knew better. You know that feeling in your soul when every fiber in your body screams HOE ALERT. Yeah that was me for her.

Being young and naive, I told myself that August would never do anything like that to me and didn't have eyes for anybody else but me. I want to say I was stupid but I can't. I wholeheartedly believed that. I knew there were lots of girls on tour and groupies lined up outside the tour bus every night but he knew where home was. Even though we were 150 miles apart 90% of the time, he knew he was with me.

I was right until the Tampa show with Usher. We'd had a huge fight about me not being able to fly in because I had a biology test the day after and I really needed to pass this one in order to be pass the class. He kept saying that i could study on the plane and blah blah but I just wasn't not hearing any of it. That was the thing with us back then. He didn't understand what it was like. I was an 19 year old sophomore in college around so many single people, studying to pass these nursing classes that were unbelievably hard and my boyfriend was on tour living his best life. We lived completely different lives and he only saw the life he lived not the one I was struggling with.

Since I didn't go to the Tampa show he'd been ignoring my calls all day so I hadn't heard from him and that just wasn't like him. Even we'd fought in the past he'd be sure to try and call by the end of the night to smooth things over. After the 10th message I'd left, I gave up and went back to studying. One of my cousin went to the concert and would send me videos occasionally to show me how he was doing. I watched over and over just to hear his voice.

I didn't realize how much I missed him until I saw what he was doing. On stage he looked in his element. He looked content and a little faded but he was happy. When his set was finished, Sandra texted me he was done so I attempted to call again to congratulate him on a successful set. Ring...Ring... Voicemail again. I left a message this time.

"Hey Bae, just calling to say you did great! Saundra sent me some videos and I love seeing you perform. I'm so proud of you! Give me a call back when you get this message. Love you"

He never returned my call. I fell asleep at my desk surrounded by multi colored note cards and was only awakened by the sound of my roommate Sammie coming home. It was 4 a.m."

As she slammed the old raggedy door hard as she possibly could I swear she fumbled through door I guess trying to be quite. "I'm up" I say as I turn on my lamp to help her see. "Thanks boo" she says as continues her stagger toward the bed. "So I assume the night was successful?" I say watching her attempting to climb into the beds. Up and down she goes not quite landing the jump onto the beds that were just high enough that you'd need a good jump start to get on but not tall enough to get a ladder to help. I kick off my footrest to aid her in her time of need.

I get up from the desk and set a trash can by her bed just in case she needs to throw-up and can't make it to the bathroom. I plug her phone into the charger on her desk and grab her some water out the fridge. "Here take this" I say as I untwist the cap and hand her 2 advil. It'll help with your hangover in the morning. She drinks a sip and lays down. I tuck her in and head back to my desk to turn off the lamp. I climb in bed and check my phone once again. Still nothing.

I brush it off. Maybe he fell asleep after the show or is out for the "Official After Party" as they like to call it.


I hear my phone vibrating underneath my pillow. What time is it? I pull out my phone see it's noon. I check to see who's calling.. August. "Hey Bae!" I say excitedly into the phone. "Hey" responses quickly. "What's wrong?" I say sitting up. He doesn't sound like himself, like something is bothering him but he's trying to cover it up. "Nothing. I just wanted to tell you I love you and I'm sorry for acting the way I did." See this is the August I knew. "No I understand. I'm sorry I couldn't make the show I really wanted to be there." He starts to say something but stops before I can make out what. "What'd you say?" "Nothing was thinking out loud. What you up to today?" "Just studying and might go grab food later, nothing major. These pre-reqs are kicking my ass." I smirk. "You got it. I know you'll ace your exam. I believe in you." "Awww babe." He laughs "Let me let you get back to studying. Call me later?" "Around 10?" "Yeah that works." he says. "Alright I love you. "Love you too." I hang up.

When we got off the phone I knew there was something else he wanted to say, I just didn't know what. First off, he's not much of the apologizing type if he thinks he was even remotely right. Not saying he was but this wasn't one of those instance where he was flat out wrong. The thing that was bothering me the most was the mumbled words that I couldn't make out. He never talks to himself, in fact when I talk to myself he always says "Why you do that? Just say what you want to say."

I get up and look over at Saundra to make sure she's still alive. She's still knocked out and I don't wanna wake her because that hangover is about to be a mean one. I head towards the shower and hearing my suitemate singing at their counter on the other side of the bathroom. "Morning" I say turning on the hot water. These buildings old as fuck so you gotta let the hot water run for a solid 10 minutes before it's actually hot. "Morning" she smiles back. Sarah is honestly the happiest person I've ever met. Just be waking up smiling for no reason.

I brush my teeth while waiting for the water to start steaming like I like. I hop in and let the hot water wash away my worries. It brings back the memories of the first time me and August had shower sex. It was not as sexy as it looks in the movies, we kept slipping on the wet tile but when we got the hang of it, it became part of our routine when he would spend the night. I needed to make a trip to Atlanta soon cause it'd been 2 months since the last time I saw him and phone sex just wasn't cutting it anymore. When I get out I hear my phone ringing once again. I look this time and it's Saundra.

"Hey what's up?" I hear her trying to figure out her next sentence. Though we're cousins, we're more like sisters I can practically read her mind especially when she's trying to hide something. "Saun what's the matter?" She sighs "You talked to August?" "Yeah this morning. We're all good." She breathes a sigh of relief "Good. I knew he'd tell you." At this point I'm confused. "Tell me what?" She gets quite. "About the video?" she questions herself. "What video?" At this point I'm heated. "Look calm down. I mean at least at me. But there's a video of August and some girl damn near fucking in the club." I'm send you the link.

She text me and I go to it right away. My blood pressure is all the way up and I'm literally shaking with anger. There's August and fucking Candy grinding all hard in VIP and then she sits on his lap and they start tounging each other down. My heart is breaking at the same time my fist are balling up. This nigga really had the nerve to call me this morning talking about " I love you" knowing what'd he done the night before.

I throw my phone on the bed and freeze. I don't know what to do. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2018 ⏰

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