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To clear up: ITALICS are thoughts

Even tho Felix and Changbin was supposedly a couple, Felix didn't feel that way. The closest they had came to a kiss was what Changbin kissed Felix on the forehead the night they met, and they never really did the stereotypical couple things. 

"Changbin?" Felix said, they where sitting on opposite edges of the sofa in Changbin's room. "Yes Felix?" Changbin answered looking at his phone. "Do you really like me? Or are you only with me because you have to?" Felix said getting more worked up then he had planned. "What?" Changbin said still looking at his phone not listening to what the younger was saying. "Do you want to be with me?" Felix asked a little louder trying to get the older's attention, now with tears streaming down his face. "Huh?" Changbin said still not looking up. "DO YOU LOVE ME!?" Felix almost yelled, before standing up and starting to collect his things.

"What?! of course i do!" Changbin said grabbing Felix's hand and pulling him into a hug. "Why would you think i don't love you?" Changbin said while stroking Felix's back. "Because you ne-never kiss me, or tell me you like me, an-and you don't even cuddle with me." Felix said sobbing violently. His head resting in the crook of Changbin's neck. (( A/N- I just remembered that Felix is taller, and that honestly frickked me uppp!))

"I'm sorry Lix, i didn't know if you were comfortable with stuff like that yet. I promise i will try to be more loving." Changbin said while brushing his fingers through Felix's soft light pink hair.
Of course Changbin hadn't done anything wrong, why would he shower Felix with love and affection when they only had known each other for a month, Felix though. "Do you really think that?" Changbin said catching Felix by surprise. "I didn't say anything." Felix said looking at the other in shock. "Felix, I could clearly hear you say that i hadn't done anything wrong." Changbin said while pulling Felix to sit on the sofa with him. "No. I thought that." Felix said even more confused. 

Then the door suddenly broke open. "Changbin! School counsel meeting right no- Oh, is that Lee Yongbok?"  A tall girl skinny girl with bangs said. "Lisa, we are in the middle of something, is it important?" Changbin asked the girl visibly annoyed. "Well... not really but, Hwall want's to speak to you." Lisa said, but instead of looking at Changbin she was glaring daggers at Felix. "Well, tell him that it can wait. Like i said, me and Felix are in the midst of something so..." Changbin said. "Right. I'll juts leave then." Lisa said and walked out slamming the door shut.
"Great. Now the whole school is going to know about us." Changbin said with a sigh. "I'm pretty sure they already know." Felix said looking at the older. "Nah, they just think we are friends because of Woojin and Jisung." Changbin said sounding more than defeated. Is it really that bad that people know of us together! , " What? No, no, no. It's just that i don't really like the attention. Please don't be sad Lix." Changbin said, his tone sounding unsure.
"I didn't say anything Binnie." Felix was confused. Very confused. He was sure he hadn't said a word. "Felix i clearly heard you speak. Don't lie to me." . "I am not lying. Are you sure you can't hear my thoughts or something!" Changbin went quiet. 

*KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK* Changbin was banging on Jackson's door, Felix right behind more confused than ever. "Come in!" Jackson said from inside his office. Changbin rushed in with Felix right behind, "Dad, (Changbin calls Jackson dad, since he basically adopted him when he was sent down.) Why can i hear Felix's thoughts?!"




Where Stray Kids STAY 



Sorry for the slow updates, i have been really busy lately (With SK comeback, BTS comeback, New SM Rookies ( Basically NCT),The CL situation, EXO's long awaited comeback and Astro's potential disbandment.) I'm happy for SK and NCT of course (since they're my ult groups) but i'm both sad and angry about all of the other situations...

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