Chapter 1

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Yoongi grinned as the crowd broke out into cheers. Sweat rolled down his face in beads, collecting on his chin. He reveled in the excitement and adrenaline rushing through him. With a wave and a wink, he made his way backstage. It was a good night; a lot of people came (the place was always filled when he was performing), and he had gotten a lot of money. Humming, he started removing the bills tucked in his outfit, smirking as he counted them.

"Damn. You always manage to rile them up. Then again, I see why," a voice commented from behind him.

Startling, the blond turned. His coworker grinned, gesturing to the sizeable stack of bills. Yoongi laughed, heading over to his locker for his clothes. He felt a strange satisfaction knowing he was the one that received the most attention from customers. Quickly, he changed into regular clothes and went out the back door, exhaustion starting to kick in.

The drive back to his apartment was short and soon enough he found himself collapsing into bed. Yoongi curled under the covers, sighing. It had been a rather long day; despite his risqué job, he still had college to worry about. 'Risqué?' he thought, snorting. He snuggled further, burying his head in the pillows. It didn't take long for sleep to overtake him.

Too soon the alarm clock on his bedside table started blaring. Groaning, the blond blindly reached out to shut it off, which, in turn, caused him to knock the clock off the table. He sat up and glared at the offending item, and threw the covers off himself. After picking it up and shutting it off, he dropped it back to the floor, annoyed.

A clatter from the kitchen brought him out of his thoughts and he sighed, knowing who exactly had caused the noise. Emerging from his room, he was met with his intruder: Kim Namjoon; who was currently bent over trying to pick up a bunch of pots and pans from the floor.

"Didn't Jin-hyung tell you not to go in the kitchen, like, ever?" he commented, scaring the other male which then resulted in him dropping everything.

He looked up with wide eyes; as if he had just been caught committing a crime. Yoongi sighed exasperatedly, pushing the younger out of the way so he could clean up the mess. The other's silence was a bit unnerving, so Yoongi decided to speak.

"What are you doing here, anyway?" he asked, keeping it casual.

Namjoon flinched, which didn't go unnoticed by Yoongi, and responded with "I ah, just wanted to make sure you were awake..." He trailed off, brows furrowed.

Humming, Yoongi nodded and got to his feet. Whatever it was, the younger didn't seem to want to talk about it right now, so Yoongi let it go. For now, anyways. The blond made them a quick breakfast, then went to get changed so they could leave. From his bedroom he could hear the tv playing. Yoongi hurriedly got dressed, pausing once his shirt was off to look at himself in the mirror. He frowned as he eyed the scar on his hip, subconsciously rubbing his hand over it.

He'd gotten it from what he referred to as his "fetus days" of his stripping career. 'Probably shouldn't refer to is as a career..' he thought, grimacing. Shaking his head he quickly threw on a t-shirt before grabbing his things. Since the university was closer to his apartment, he would wait outside for Namjoon to show up and then they'd walk together. It was nice. Except, today the other was quiet.

Yoongi eyed the brunette, who seemed to be lost in thought, then huffed and glared ahead. From the corner of his eye, he could see the other looking at him curiously. He snapped.

"Okay, seriously, what's wrong? You're all quiet and it's weird." Yoongi asked, pouting.

Namjoon flinched a bit and turned away, looking apologetic.

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