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Andromenda Black was excited.Today was September 1st,the day she would go to Hogwarts.The young girl had been pushing a trolley with her trunk and other belongings,her younger sister walking next to her.Her older sister was pushing her own trolley and her parents were next to them all.

"Muggles everywhere,"Druella Black muttered looking around with disqust on her face.

"Druella,we only must pretend three times a year at the most,"Cygnus Black told his wife looking around.

As they walked a boy came up to them,pushing a trolley of his own,"excuse me sir but do you know where platform 9 3/4 is?"the boy asked.He had messy brown hair somewhat curly and wasn't much taller then Bellatrix,who was 5'4.

"You're parents didn't tell you,"asked Andromenda surprised.

"Andromenda shush,"Cygnus told his daughter,"what's your name son?"

"Edward,but I go by Ted,"the young boy said.

"Well Edward,it's my daughter's first time aswell,My oldest has been in for two years,and one more year until ny youngest goes,"Druella spoke trying to impress him,not asking for his blood status yet.

The group walked towards the barrier and Bellatrix immediately ran through.Andromenda smiled,recalling going in past years to see off her older sister.

"Andromenda go on,"Cygnus said.She took a breath before going through the barrier.

Soon after Edward had joined her,along with her parents and her sister,Narcissa.

"Thank you,"Edward said with a smile leaving.

"Dad did you ever ask his family name?"Bellatrix asked curiously.

"No,I'll ask around,he might be a Longbottom or Prewett,"Cygnus said,"now Andromenda.Promise me you won't ask to not be a Slytherin.If the hat refusing request Ravenclaw."

"Dad,what's wrong with Gryffindor and Hufflepuff?"Andromenda asked looking at him.

"You don't belong in those disgraces of houses.Now go,I'll miss you Dromenda."Cygnus said.

"I'll miss you too dad,"Andromenda said leaving onto the train.


Ted looked around the Hogwarts Express for a cabin to sit in.He had wanted to find the girl from earlier,the one with hazel eyes that looked his age.He catched the name Andromenda,while he was shown to platform.He found an almost empty compartment.A single boy was sitting in it so he opened the door.

"Can I join you?"Ted asked looking at the guy.

"Sure,"the boy said,"I'm Arthur Weasley."

"Ted Tonks,"he said introducing himself.

"You are first year?"asked Arthur.

Ted nodded and looked at him,"yea,you?"

"I'm in my third year,Gryffindor."

"What's Gryffindor?"Ted asked confused.

Arthur looked at him for a moment,"muggleborn?"he guessed before he said,"Hogwarts has 4 houses you can be sorted in.Gryffindor for the Brave and Courageous,Slytherin for the ambitious and sly,Hufflepuff for the kind and loyal,and Ravenclaw for the independent and smart."

"Oh,what's a muggle?"

"A muggle is someone with no magic and their parents and grandparents don't have magic either.Squibs are people who don't have magic but their parents do."Arthur explained.Ted nodded and smiled as a girl opened the door.

"Weasley,I see you've met this young pu-"the girl started.

"He's muggle raised Bellatrix,"Arthur interrupted seeing her face fill with disgust.

"In that case he perfectly belongs with a blood traitor like yourself,"Bellatrix spat leaving.

"Why does it matter how I was raised?"Ted asked confused on why Bellatrix left.

"Well people like her,believe in blood purity.Their what's known as pureblood and once they marry someone like you or a halfblood,they wouldn't be pure anymore.I'm in a pureblood family that doesn't care,"explained Arthur as the girl with brown eyes and black hair from earlier opened the cabin door.

"Could I sit here?"she asked.Ted nodded and moved his legs to make room for her.

Arthur grinned and stood up,"I better go and find Gideon and Fabian.See you later."he said leaving.

The girl smiled at Ted before he said,"How are you?"

Andromenda looked at him,"you're asking me how I am?"

"Yes it's polite,"he replied.

"Rule number 45 says proper women shouldn't be spoken to by men in the same manner."

"Well,Rules are meant to be broken."

Andromenda smiled at him,"my name is Andromenda in that case."

"Nice to me you Dromenda."

"Don't call me Dromenda."



Andromenda was excited as they entered the great hall.The hat sang a song before the first name was spoken.It didn't take long for Andromenda to hear her name.She was right after a lad by the name of Alexander Axa.

Andromenda sat on the stool as the hat was placed on her head.

Another BlacK I see.

Yes Mr Hat.How are you?

Fine for now.I haven't done many sortings yet.Now let's see...you're kind and loyal,would make a good hufflepuff.You're coureagous also.

I'd get disowned if I were a Gryffindor or Hufflepuff Mr. hat

Well Miss Black their comes a time where you must learn you can never be defined by your family.You are not a Slytherin.

But it's my family's house.I have to be a Slytherin.

I refuse to put you into Slytherin Miss Black.

Then put me into Ravenclaw.The only other house my parents won't disown me in.

Maybe I was wrong about Gryffindor,for now atleast...Now let's put you into...“RAVENCLAW”

The blue and bronze table was confused at first until cheering to the new member of their house,a Black.

After a while the name Tonks,Edward was called.Within seconds he was sorted into Hufflepuff house.


Hey,I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter of the new book,once I get further into this I'll start on book two.

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