Chapter #2 weirdo

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You finally found your classroom and went straight inside. You saw an empty desk and walked to it slowly. Once you got close enough to the chair you slid down on it. You looked to your left and saw one of the seven boys. He had brown hair and was very muscular. Then you looked to your right and saw the one person you couldn't face.
Kim Taehyung
Nooo why him of all people???!!! You thought to yourself. You turned your head to the opposite side of Taehyung and decided to just stare out the window.
"Hey" a voice said. You look over to see the boy on your left.
"H-hello" you said shyly.
"You're new right?" He asked actually looking curious.
"Y-yeah" you answered "why?"
"Just curious" he answered "You just didn't look familiar and I know everybody here"
"Ok" you say out of awkwardness
"Are you a virgin?"
Da fuq?
Excuse me?
FUCK???!!! You thought with widened eyes.
"What kinda question is that?!"
"So I'll take that as a yes then" he said.
"What the hell???!!!" You scream.
"Can't wait" he says.
"Can't wait for what?" You ask curiously.
"To pop your cherry, little girl" he says smugly.
"YAH! What the hell?!" You shout "I don't even know your name"
"Oh ... Where are my manners? I'm Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook" he said. "What's yours?"
" Y/n" You say hesitantly. "Min y/n"
"Well nice to meet you y/n" Jungkook pauses for a second "hmm nope not good enough"
"How bout i call you ... Sexy or ... Princess or ... Kitten or ... Babygirl"
"Excuse me?!"
"I'll go with babygirl" he said calmly.
What's happening
You're at a loss of words. You don't know how to react. Scared, shocked, angry. You just Don't know.
"This is gonna be a fun ride Min y/n"

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