When he hears you sing~ 🗣

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Freddy~ It was a slow day at the pizzeria without Freddy, you two were
always doing things together, whether it was dancing to singing to cuddling (Awe) you were buddies. You were on your phone scrolling through your feed on Instagram when you finally got bored and opened Spotify (Or IMusic whatever you use to listen to c:) finally got through the ads and your jam came on, immediately you stood up and started to sing along while moving your hips to the beat. You were so carried in to the song that you didn't even realize that you were singing so loudly. As for Freddy the repairman was finally done and walked out the back door, to avoid interrupting. Freddy hearing the angelic tone to your voice followed and was right in front of you waiting for you to open your eyes and find him watching with a big grin on his handsome face. The song came to a abrupt halt when you accidentally yanked out your headphones, sighing, you opened your eyes and saw Freddy.

"Oh uh... Hi Freddy, you're back." your cheeks were inflamed with a blush and you were trying your hardest not to look at him. He noticed this and chuckled

"You're such a good singer Y/N~" he winked at you while engulfing you with a big bear hug,

"Oh staph~"

Bonnie~ Bonnie being the big guitarist he is, likes to introduce you to his type of songs, so being the great girlfriend you are, you thought that you would impress him by learning the lyrics to one of his favourite songs.
Bonnie wasn't around at the moment so you thought 'why not' and started singing the lyrics, you have to admit the song was catchy and you never would have thought you had a thing for this type of music but it turns out you do, bobbing your head to the tune and yelling out the lyrics distracted you from knowing Bonnie was literally sitting on the stage watching you.
Sadly the song ended and you opened your eyes to choose another one, once you opened your eyes you caught Bonnie staring right at you,

"My, my I wouldn't have guessed you had a thing for guitarists." He was looking at you with that flirtatious glint in his eye.

"Oh me neither, in fact, I think guitarists are quite stupid" you looked over at him and you noticed his ears started dropping you felt bad and snuggled up to him

"Oh Bonnie you know I have a thing for guitarists"

Goldie~ You were chilling out backstage with Freddy and Goldie, and they decided it would be fun if we all played karaoke. Freddy and Goldie has had their turn and Goldie was trying to coax me into singing a song with him,

"Oh come on Y/N just one song? You probably don't sound as bad as you think you do anyway- I mean you don't sound bad at all."

"Goldie no I sound like shit when I'm singing and it's embarrassing to do it infront of both you and Freddy!"

After around forty minutes of arguing he finally got you to sing 'Love Fool' with him and he was quite happy.

Dear, I fear we're facing a problem
You love me no longer, I know
And maybe there is nothing that I can do
To make you do
Mama tells me I shouldn't bother
That I ought to stick to another man
A man that surely deserves me
But I think you do!
So I cry, I pray and I beg
Love me love me
Say that you love me
Fool me fool me
Go on and fool me
Love me love me
Pretend that you love me
Leave me leave me
Just say that you need me...~

You had Goldie speechless after you were done singing he couldn't believe you thought you sounded bad.

"Get your lying ass over here Y/N."

You waltzed over to Goldie when he took you and hugged you on his lap

"You fucking liar you said you were bad at singing"

(I'm going to publish this and then finish Foxys part, I haven't uploaded in years it seems like and I feel bad for saying I'll update and I never did, so I'm sorry for being gone so long and hopefully you can forgive me, Until next time, Toodles!)

Can you survive until 6:00?

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