Welcome to Daddy's Girl & Story Info

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Hi! Thanks so much for clicking on my book. As of now I am not sure if I want to do seven total books or just do The Philosopher's Stone. But I do have all the future events planned and a summery on how they will go about. I plan to update this once every three weeks cause I am in school, and I have Beast Children to write. Please comment your thoughts and any spelling errors. I want this to be easy to read. I also included the books that inspired this. Please go read them.

Story Info

This is a Harry Potter fanfic     

This is not an x reader but feel free to imagine Cassandra's appearance.

Inspired by 

A Broken Slytherin Series              

Angel Of Series          

Snake Charmer       

Slytherin Queen Series                

 Lightning in the House of Serpents                                              

All these stories/fanfictions are way better then mine so go read them! And if you're the author of one of these stories and are reading this. I'm honored that you are thinking of reading my story.                                                                             

Also I own nothing! Except Cassandra and any other OC's.... I think that's how it all works.

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