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Jungkook quietly closed the door behind him before advancing towards where the boy laid. "Jimin, wake up."

The said teenager rubbed his eyes open from the restless night and squinted at the rays of sun bathing him and Jungkook.

"Good morning, Jimin." Jungkook smiled before adding, "So, a maid informed me that you were eavesdropping last night. Is this true?"

Jimin gulped nervously with wide eyes. "U-Uhh. . ."

Jungkook caressed the boy's cheek. "You shouldn't feel scared, Jim- . . .Where did that mark come from?"

He pulled the teenager close and examined his bruised neck. Impatiently waiting for Jimin to respond, he repeated, "I said where did it come from? Did anyone visit you last night?"

"Well not exactly. . . I had a dream where this strange man kissed my neck and when I woke up it was there. . ."

"Was that it? Did he do anything else?"

"Yes. . . He said 'The Lobo will come for you.'"


Seokjin set down a coffee for himself and a glass of cold water for Namjoon on his dining room table. "Here, drink this. It will help flush out the alcohol."

"Thank you." Namjoon flashed the new friend a weak smile and took a small sip of the water.

Gazing at the pictures on the shelves in front of them while the men sat in a calm silence, Namjoon broke it by asking, "Who are all those children in those photos? Family?"

Seokjin let out a big chuckle while shaking his head. "No, no. I volunteer at an orphanage from time to time. I'm real close with kids. I don't have much of a family. . ."

Suddenly a wave of guilt washed over the father as his friend accindently reminding him of Jimin. Swirling the ice cubes in his water, Namjoon replied, "Neither do I. . ."

Seokjin patted his empty hand and flashed warm eyes, he was about to say something comforting, but abruptly a typical ringtone started blaring.

Glancing at his phone, the man gave Namjoon an apologetic look. "I'm so sorry, Namjoon. This is important."

"It's okay, Se- uh, Jin."

Seokjin smiled at the nickname, before quickly exiting the dining room. Leaving Namjoon alone with his haunting mind.

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