Birth of a legend

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Jason was many things a God, God of all things on Earth, King of Gods, God of Creation,but most importantly bored as hell. Since none of the other Gods wanted to hang out of course he could just ordered them to hang out but that's just boring so that's why he's here in front of the river of the dead so he can pick a random soul to reincarnate in another world of course.
Jason reached his hand in the river waiting a few moments before grabbing a soul an pulling it out of the river he remade the body that held this soul in his previous life before throwing the soul into the body.
? Point of view
I stood up and look around I was in a dark room with the only light was coming from a river that seemed filled like it had shadows flowing in it and in front of me was a man who had a smile on his face he was pretty ripped but still slim guess he had what people called a swimmers body he was wearing a blue shirt and red shorts he also had blue hair and no shoes seeing him in clothes made me self-conscious so I looked down to see if I was wearing any clothes and of course I wasn't. I quickly covered my dick with my hands and tried to see if there was any place where I could hide but of course there wasn't any place that I could use to hide so like a idiot I started to freak out.
In the middle of my freak out I heard laughter I turned around to see that man who was in front of the shinning river was laughing his ass off after a few moments he stood up with the same smile he had when I frist saw him
"See that's why I love you humans you never ceases to amuse me."
I couldn't help but to smile at that because at least he seemed to like me but the way he said humans sounded like he wasn't human  and that's impossible because what else could he be.
"Who the hell are you, where are we, and what the hell are you?" I asked in the most serious tone I could muster.
"Hmm well to answer your questions in order I'm Jason as for where we are is a place called the Land of The Dead and for what the hell am I is simple I'm the king of Gods and of course a God."
'What the literal fuck, ok so assuming that he's telling the truth and am really in the land of the dead that means that I dead and  if I'm dead how did I die and why can't I remember how I died.'
"Listen as interesting as it is to see you freak out about how you died an shit but we have more important stuff as how you are going solve my problem." Jason said in the most serious voice I've ever heard
This of course caught my attention because what kind of problem can a God have that I could help out with "What can I a human help you out with?"
"You can help me out with the biggest problem as a god I've ever had...... BOREDOM and to help me with this problem I will reincarnate you in one of those worlds you humans call anime of course I'll let you pick the anime and what type of gift you will have to make things fair or unfair I really don't care as long as it's interesting, so what do you say deal."

After hearing that I decided to way my options which were heavily leaning towards reincarnation in a anime so of course I course I chose to be reincarnated in a anime but not just any anime I chose my favorite anime Naruto.
"If I can I would like to be reincarnated into the world of Naruto with a few additional gifts to make things very interesting."
Jason smiled when I said the additional gifts would make things interesting but he quickly hid it
"okay what will be your gift's be?"
"Well 1st of all I want Kaguya Otsutsuki to have three kids with the oldest being born without any of Kaguya eyes (which causes him to be neglected) but having large charka reserves greater then that of her own but along with large charka reserves he needs to have perfect control of his charka, he also should have a two bloodlines one of which is a bloodline that allows the user to have complete control of the elements and sub elements which he unlocks at 9 and the other bloodline is a bloodline that allows the user to create and copy bloodlines, I want him to copy the Rinnegan (he also has a copy of Kaguya eyes powers) and the Byakugan from his family before running away. I also want him to marry a woman and have three kids with her with the oldest having  both of his  father's bloodlines, the second oldest only having the ability to copy bloodlines,and the youngest having the ability to create bloodlines. I want these three to go on forming the Kurayami clan with the oldest being head of the main branch and the two youngest being separate heads of the two branch clans, after they get married an are ready to have kids I want Yami (Kaguya oldest son) to give each of them a gift with the oldest getting a superior version of the Truth Seeking Balls called Storm Breaker which like Truth Seeking Balls are black orbs built for combat and defense but unlike Truth Seeking Balls Storm Breaker is unbreakable and have no limit to how far they can travel they can also change to any thing the user can think of as long as he or she has huge chakra reserves and amazing or perfect charka control to use them I also want them to be able to use the users  element chakra for combat next I want the last born  getting a special sword that is made out of the strongest of steels making it unbreakable I want it to be able to handle any element chakra that flows through it and for it to be able to cut through anything except for Strom Breaker and finally I want the second oldest to get an unbreakable armour that repairs itself if it receives any damage I also want it to have a strong defense against any element. Also i want a birth defect to happen to both the main branch and the side branch, I want the main family to have a birth defect that cause them to look like the living embodiment of ugly and for them to be social cripple not being able to tell or understand the emotions of other people I want the defect to disappear when those of the main branch turn 16, I want the branch clan that can create bloodlines to be cursed with blindness which they accept and perfect their swordsman ship and their sensory ability's, and finally I want the remaining branch to get a disease that heavily weakens them, makes them battle manics, and  kills them very quickly with the longest surviver dying at 46.   Is all that okay?"
Jason just smiled and nodded for me to continue
"Okay next I want the clan to very distance from the rest of the Elemental Nations till
The first Shinobi War in which the decided to help the Hidden Leaf Village in exchange for copying all the bloodlines in the leaf including wood release, after the war is over I want the clan to establish a Hidden village known as Kage no Kuni (Land of shadows) and I want them to establish a permit alliance with the Hidden Leaf Village  which causes the other Villages to get scared so all of the Hidden Villages except for the leaf joined together to destroy Kage no Kuni but Instead of that happening when the army of  ninja's from each village along with their Kages arrived at the gate of the village they were greeted by three men but these three men were the clan heads of each branch and they were the strongest men in the entire clan so when the Kages threatened to destroy their families they were ready for blood so at the end of the battle the Kages went Home Alone covered in blood barely alive and the second ninja war broke out which Kage no Kuni took part in helping Konoha but when the third ninja war broke out Kage no Kuni couldn't take part because they were In the middle of a civil war between the two branch clans along with some ninja's that reside in the land vs The main branch along with most of the ninja's in the land I want this war to bring an end to the Kurayami clan but I want to be born one year before the birth of Naruto and one month before the final battle in which my grandfather who is the clan head of the main branch to give me to Konoha to be put in a orphanage and not know about my heritage till I start the academy also I want to have every bloodline in the world as my clan and grandfather copied all of them bit I want several created bloodlines as gifts from my grandfather I want these bloodlines to be Power release,Space release,Self healing,Light release,Gravity release, and Time release. Also if possible I would like to have the abilitys of the gamer which if you don't understand you can take the information from me."
"Alright, I'll grant all of your wishes with a few edits to make things fun good luck, also what do you want your name to be?"
"I would like to keep my former first name which is Kai."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2019 ⏰

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