Chapter 2

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Maria strolled through the crowded coffee shop, the rich aroma of freshly ground beans enveloping her. She found an empty table near the window, bathed in the warm glow of the afternoon sun. As she settled into her seat, her eyes caught the gaze of a young man sitting alone at a nearby table. His name, she would later learn, was Keid.

Their eyes locked for a moment, and Keid, feeling a sudden urge to break the silence, flashed a friendly smile. Maria returned the gesture, and with an unspoken invitation, he approached her table.

"Mind if I join you?" he asked, his voice carrying a hint of hesitation.

Maria hesitated for a moment, considering the implications of letting a stranger into her personal space. But there was something about Keid's demeanor that felt disarming, a genuineness that swayed her decision. "Sure, why not?" she replied, motioning to the empty chair across from her.

As Keid settled into his seat, the two engaged in small talk, discussing mundane topics like the weather and the latest movies. Maria couldn't help but notice the ease with which Keid conversed, as if they were old friends catching up after years apart. The initial awkwardness dissolved, paving the way for a comfortable atmosphere.

Eventually, the conversation took a more personal turn. Keid, with a casual grin, looked at Maria and asked, "So, how old are you?"

"Twenty," Maria replied, her gaze steady.

"Ah, nice. I'm nineteen," Keid responded, his tone carrying a casual charm.

Maria couldn't help but feel a twinge of surprise. She had expected a slightly older companion, but the age difference didn't bother her. In fact, there was something refreshing about Keid's youthful exuberance.

As the conversation flowed, Keid delved into his past, sharing anecdotes about his life, hobbies, and friends. Maria listened attentively, finding herself drawn to the authenticity in his storytelling. It was when he began talking about his previous relationship that the atmosphere shifted.

"Yeah, my last girlfriend was something else," Keid remarked, a hint of nostalgia in his voice. He went on to describe the highs and lows of their time together, from the blissful moments to the painful breakups.

Maria, though intrigued by the glimpse into Keid's past, couldn't shake the discomfort settling within her. She had just met this guy, and he was pouring out the details of a past relationship as if she were an old confidante.

"I don't know, it just didn't work out, you know?" Keid continued, seemingly oblivious to Maria's unease.

She nodded, offering a polite smile, but her mind was racing. It felt too soon for such intimate revelations, and a voice in her head whispered that this wasn't the way people typically navigated first meetings.

The conversation shifted again, and Keid, seemingly oblivious to Maria's internal turmoil, started talking about his dreams and aspirations. He spoke passionately about his ambitions, his eyes lighting up with a fervor that Maria found infectious.

As Keid continued to share, Maria couldn't help but appreciate the depth of his character. He was open, vulnerable, unapologetically himself. Despite the discomfort from the earlier discussion about his ex, Maria sensed a genuine sincerity in Keid's words. He wasn't trying to impress or deceive; he was simply laying himself bare.

The more she listened, the more Maria saw Keid as an interesting enigma. There was an oddity to his openness, a quirkiness that set him apart from anyone she had ever encountered. Most people guarded their vulnerabilities, especially in the early stages of a friendship, but Keid seemed to wear his heart on his sleeve.

As the afternoon unfolded, Maria found herself opening up as well. She shared bits and pieces of her own life—her passions, her dreams, the hurdles she had overcome. Keid listened intently, his eyes reflecting a genuine interest in her story.

Throughout their conversation, Maria couldn't shake the feeling that Keid was different. He trusted her with his innermost thoughts, a vulnerability she hadn't anticipated. Most people took time to build such trust, but Keid seemed to leap into it with abandon.

As the sun dipped below the horizon and the coffee shop began to quiet down, Maria reflected on the unusual encounter. Despite the initial discomfort and the unconventional way Keid shared his past, she found herself drawn to him. There was an authenticity in his words, a sincerity that resonated with her.

The evening ended with a promise to meet again, a suggestion that hung in the air like an unspoken agreement. As Maria walked away from the coffee shop, she couldn't deny the curiosity that had ignited within her. Keid was an enigma, a puzzle waiting to be solved, and Maria couldn't help but wonder what the next chapter of their story would reveal.


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