Just Another Day... or is it?

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Dean roughly shook Sam awake grunting for him to get up. As he had done for the past few days, Sam, instead of responding, slapped Dean's hand away curling himself tighter into his warm comfortable blanket.

They had gone through this same routine for the last week like machinery, neither willing to admit their own fault in the massive argument the had.

It started as just a small issue, Dean had forgotten to return Sams laptop and when he did, the history was full of Busty Asian Beauties. But, Sam, not wanting it to happen again, decided to bring up Deans supposed lack of responsibility in every little thing he did making Dean lash out.

When both brothers subsided, it was into a stony silence broken by only the bare minimum of communication.

"Sammy! You have to get to school in 20 minutes!" Dean called as he made his way downstairs, "Get your sorry ass down!"

"Fine, fine. I said I was coming soon, give me a break." groaned Sam, pulling himself out of bed. He quickly threw the closest clean pair of jeans and plaid shirt on and ran downstairs. Sam ate a quick breakfast and, grabbing his books, rushed to his brothers 1967 Chevrolet Impala, which Dean referred to as "baby".

Dean blared Metallica from the cars speakers as he drove Sam to school. "Hurry or you'll be late for your first day!" He said, pushing Sam from the car.

As Sam entered the building, he remembered about a month ago, when he had made that same walk to another school only to have to move again. He was greeted with the usual hustle and bustle that he had come to expect, although this time seemed different. Sam couldn't exactly put his finger on how, but he just felt more at home here at Lakeview High School.

To his suprise, he was immediately greeted by a group of boys and girls, all saying things like "who are you?" And "did you just move?"

One short golden-haired boy stood out, though, sticking his hand out and saying confidently, "Hello, I'm Gabriel! What's your name?"

Sam hesitantly took the bold boys hand, replying with "Hey Gabriel, I'm Sam! I just moved here."

Gabriel then introduced the rest of the group as Anna, Jess, and Crowley. Crowley had moved to Lakeview the year before from England. Gabriel and Sam found out what classes they had together, which was three: science, physics, and American history. As they headed off to science Gabriel asked, "Hey could I have your phone?"

"Yeah sure, could I?"

"Okay, and did I mention how unnaturally tall you are?"

"No, but I get that a lot," chuckled Sam. After the boys exchanged numbers they arrived at the classroom five minutes late, earning them a glare from the teacher.

"Well someone's in a great mood," muttered Gabriel under his breath. They took the only table left, in the back left of the classroom. Perfect for chatting secretly.

"So, friend-" started Gabriel

"Hey! We've only just met a couple minutes ago, I hardly know you!" joked Sam.

Gabriel repeated, "So not-yet-friend, I guess you just have to get to know me better then. My full name is Gabriel Novak, I've lived here my whole life, with my five brothers and a half cousins, and I have a candy addiction."

"Oh what are you brothers names?"

"Michael, Raphael, Zachariah, Lucifer, and Castiel. Oh, and my cousin is Uriel."

"That's cool, you're all named after angels right?"

"Yeah not many people know that. I'll remember that you're smart. So what about you? Any family?"

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