Rainy Day

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Bendy's P.O.V.
It's a pretty sunny day with some clouds here and there. With all honesty, I love rain and cloudy days. Boris is quite the opposite. He despises days such as the ones I described. Boris is in his room playing video games with his friend, Mugman. I knock on his door and enter the room. "Hey, Boris. Can I trust you both to stay home by yourself for a while?" I ask. They don't bother to look away from the screen. "Yeah, sure!" Boris chirps. "Okay. I'm gonna go for a walk. Don't burn the house down or anything." I chuckle. "Sure thing, Bends. Have fun!" I smile and walk out of his room, closing the door. I grab a light sweater, then walk outside. It's a little chilly. A slight breeze whirls past me. "Where should I go?" I ask myself, looking at stores and restaurants as I pass by. My feet stop in front of a coffee shop. "Welp, guess I'll stay here for a while." I walk inside and go up to the counter. "Good afternoon sir. May I take your order?" The lady standing behind the counter asks. "Ah, sure. I'll have a muffin and a medium iced coffee, please." "Okay, and will that be all?" "Yes." "Alrighty then. Your total comes out to $5.10." She smiles at me. I get out some money and hand it to her. "Keep the change." A smile finds its way onto my face. "Thanks, sir! Your order will be right out." With that, she walks away. I take a seat at a table by the window. Looking around, I notice there aren't many people. My order comes and I thank the waiter. My gaze shifts to the window. The clouds have bunched together. The wind picks up and rain hits the window. My smile widens at the sight of this. Looking at the beautiful sky while listening to quiet, soothing music that's playing over the speakers is my definition of a perfect day. And adding to that would be the amazing aroma of coffee and delicacies with my own coffee and muffin to enjoy. A bell jingling catches my attention as I look over to the door.

Cuphead's P.O.V.
I was walking around when it started to rain. Since there wasn't an umbrella with me, I rushed to the nearest place for cover. I like this weather, but sometimes it can be a nuisance. I open the door and immediate warmth and the smell of coffee hits me. I take a breath and smile. Looking over to my left, I see a small demon looking at me. Upon further inspection, I realize it's Mugman's friend's brother. {What was his name? I know it started with a B..... Ben... Bendy! Yeah, that's it!} I walk over to his table and motion to the empty seat. "Mind if I sit here?" He shakes his head as he motions for me to sit down. I do so, taking off my jacket. "Hey.... Cuphead, right?" He asks. "Yeah. And you're Bendy?" He nods. I wouldn't blame him for not really remembering my name. After all, we only met once and it was a quick introduction that probably lasted about 20 seconds or so. "Pretty nice day out isn't it?" I ask, trying to start a conversation. He looks a little surprised. "It definitely is.... hold up, you don't hate days like this?" "What? No. I mean, sometimes it is bothersome but I don't HATE it." He looks down a bit, lost in thought. "Well... there's one thing we have in common so far." He looks up and gives me a shy smile; a smile that makes my heart race and butterflies flutter in my stomach. A spark I thought was long extinguished has been ignited... by him. (Is that cheesy or cringey? I can't even tell  XD) Then, it hits me. "Holy crap.... I like this guy...." Bendy chokes on his muffin. He clears his throat. "W-What?!?" A dark red blush can be seen on his face. It's until this moment that I realize the words on my mind left my mouth. My face heats up immediately due to embarassment. "I-I mean... I-uh... there's this guy I see every day and he's just... very... likeable." I try to cover up that stupid slip–up. Bendy looks down at his coffee. "Ah, I see." His blush softens a bit. "N–Not that I don't like you! I mean.... just..." I'm truly at a loss of words. He laughs a bit and waves his hand. "It's okay. I know what you mean." I let out a sigh of relief. Awkward silence settles over us. "Hey, wh-when you're done, do you maybe wanna... take a stroll outside?" I ask nervously, rubbing the back of my neck. "Sure, why not?" He replies smiling.

-Smol timeskip-

Bendy's P.O.V.
Once I finished eating my muffin and drinking my coffee, I walk outside with Cuphead. As soon as he opens the door for me, cool water droplets hit my face. Immediately, this causes a smile to form on my mouth. Cuphead notices and chuckles a bit. "You really love this weather, huh?" He asks. I nod, maybe a little too excited. "Wanna head over to the park?" He asks. I ponder the thought for a moment. "Sure!" I chirp happily. We slowly walk to the park while making small talk. "So, how's Boris?" He questions. "He's pretty good. He usually gets excited when Mugman comes over." I chuckle at the thought. "Oh." "And how's your brother?" I ask. "He's doing great. He reacts the same way whenever Boris comes over." I smile and nod. We walk around the park for a while. The grass is slippery and slick. Cuphead, being the dork he is, decided to roll around in it. I just stay on the side laughing at him. That is, until he pulls me down to join him. "Cuphead!" I shout, feeling the cold water soak my jacket a bit more. He laughs and turns to look at me. "C'mon. You gotta have fun." "Psh! I do have fun." I groan. I turn to face him and our lips are an inch apart from each other. I blush harshly and am about to turn away but I feel his hand on my face. "C-Cup? What are you-?" He cuts me off by lightly pressing his lips onto mine. My eyes widen and I start to get nervous due to the fact that I have never kissed anyone before and I have never anticipated it to be with a guy. But he's different. It's just the way I imagined it. Just with a dude. I kiss back wondering if I'm doing it right, then he pulls away. Those goddamn beautiful eyes gaze into mine. "S-Sorry if I suck at kissing! You just.... you did it without much warning and I have never EVER kissed anyone before. So, I'm extremely sorry for that..." My eyes shut and I hear him chuckle. "Nah, it's okay. If anything, I should be the one saying sorry. But, truth is, I'm not. That was the best kiss ever." I peek at him and shake my head. "You're lying." "I'm not. You're a great kisser." He laughs again. I huff and smile. "Cuphead... in the little time I've gotten to know you, I've found you very likeable." He turns and looks up at the sky. "I like you a lot too, Bendy." We sit in silence for a while admiring the weather. Finally, I get up and look at Cuphead. "Ah, I have to go. I told Boris I was only going to be out for a while." He gets up then proceeds to walk over to my side. "I'll go with you." We smile at each other.

-Anuthah smol tiemskep-

Cuphead's P.O.V.
We arrive at Bendy's house. Before he opens the door, I grab him and hold him. "What are you doing now?" He asks, hugging me back. "Nothing... just wanna hold you for a little bit longer." I can hear his soft giggle. "Aandd a quick kiss goodbye." I say as I pull away and hold his chin up. I lean in and feel the urge to tease him a bit. So, I lightly bite his bottom lip, earning a gasp from him. I use this opportunity to slide my tongue into his mouth, intertwining it with his. We stand there just making out for a while before we finally pull away, panting. "Quick huh?" He smirks. "Aw, shuddup. You liked it." I smirk back. "Welp, can't argue about that." He chuckles. We hear a cough, startling us. Turning, I see Boris and Mugs in the doorway. Bendy and I immediately let go of each other and awkwardly greet them. "H-Hey, Boris. What are you guys doing out here???" Bendy questions. "Uhh.... Mugs was just about to leave..." he replies. Mugs nods and looks back and forth between the small demon and me. "What's Cuphead doing here?" Boris asks. Bendy looks at me but quickly looks away. "He's here to pick up Mugs." Bendy rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeeahh.... it didn't look like that's what he was doi-" Bendy cuts off his brother. "Yep! No further questions asked! Bye, Mugs!" He practically zoomed into the house bring Boris with him. The door shut. Now, I had to deal with MY little brother. "So.... I didn't know you and Bendy were a 'thing'." This causes me to blush a bit. "Neither did I..." I smile to myself.

Bendy's P.O.V.
There was awkward silence after Mugs and Cup left. "Uhhh...you and Cuphead huh?" Boris asks. "Please Boris not now..." "Just.... if you're gay or bi, I don't care. As long as you've got someone who loves you." I look at him and smile. "Thanks Boris." {How did I ever get so lucky with these guys?}

The End.
A/N: Holy hell I am so sorry. This is probably crappy but I didn't wanna keep you guys waiting for a long time so yeh. I've been unmotivated for a while but I'm tryna work on that  =) in the mean time, take this li'l one-shot. See you guys in the next chapter! 💙

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