Chapter 4: Ginny

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I can't believe nobody is stopping Malfoy from saying all this about my father! I can't let him treat my like this! "You know what? Leave my father out of this! He has been a way better father then yours has!" I say not even thinking. I'd be surprised if Malfoy can say anything about that, but of course he did! "My father is 10 times the father yours is! And at least I have supplies not second hand crap! And I learned how to speak unlike Ron over here," nodding at my brother.that just blew my lid! "If you know what's good for you I would shut up! My dad supports 7 kids,harry, and my mother. He works way more then your pathetic father ever will!" Draco has to be offended! "If he knew he couldn't handle it, then why did he make more pathetic children?" That's it no one calls my family pathetic! "You don't have the right to call us pathetic! Were leaving ron!"

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