The breakup

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               Flashback to a year before:

Sinb's POV:

Where are you? Are you even home? I guess he isn't home then. 

~Sinb then goes to her room to see a girl on top of her boyfriend~

Lucus! What are you doing!?

Sinb it's not what it looks like, "says lucus."

Oh really yeah right that's what everyone says! I can't believe you lucus after 3 years of dating you, you are doing doing this to me?!

Sinb it's a misunderstanding I thought it was you because the lights were off,"says Lucus."

Just get out of my house lucus and bring your slut with you I don't want to see you ever AGAIN! And we are through!

~moments later after Lucus leaves Sinb starts to cry and calls her best friend~

Trying to talk to Yuju on the Phone-

Come on Yuju pick up the phone

Hello~ hello Yuju I ne- the person you have called is not available for now please make a voice mail after the tone beeeeeep.

God damnmit Yuju pick up the God damn phone you bitch I need to talk to you so answer!!!


Phone call ends-

~A few moments later Yuju calls Sinb~

Ring! Ring!

Phone call with Yuju-

Finally you answered I've been waiting, "I say."

Sorry I've been busy working at the cafe so what's wrong? "says Yuju"

Lucus cheated on me with a slut and now we broke up, "I sob while talking to Yuju."

Omg Sinb it's okay I'm here he was a jerk anyways you can find someone better,"says Yuju."

No not anymore Yuju I'm done chasing after boys I'm done with them I'm never going to date or like someone anymore and that's FINAL! "I say."

Sinb is this the right choice your making?"Says Yuju." If it is then I will support you but you better not come to me and tell me that you like someone,"says Yuju."

I promise I won't and now I'm going to change schools so I won't ever see Lucus again,"I say."

OK well my shift just began so I have to work I'll talk to you later bye Sinb I love you and feel better,"says Yuju."

Okay bye Yuju

"Bye Sinb"


Phone call ends with Yuju-

I'm not going to fall in love any more,"I thought."

Hello readers it's your author this is my first book ever so sorry if it's bad hehe.

But anyways I hope you guys like this chapter so far. Anyways will Sinb fall in love again or will she not? Keep reading to find out bye guys!!❤️

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