Chapter 4

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"Dear students, the bell will ring in two minutes. Please get ready and head back to class."

Urgghh lunch time is over already and I swear to god it felt like two minutes. I forced my legs to walk back to class but what Xiao Na told me earlier kept bothering me. Even though I just met her a few hours ago, I know she's not the type who tell lies, especially those 'unnecessary lies'. But what exactly is the situation here? I couldn't help but to think of it even though the more I think, the more complicated it gets.

"AISSHHHH!" I mumbled in frustration, loud enough to hear across the room but let's hope the teacher didn't hear it.
"Do you have any problems there, Min?" Oops!
"N-no, I'm good! Sorry for the disturbance" I quickly apologized since I couldn't think of any excuses.
"Okay good. No more next time, hear me?"
I nodded.

The lessons went on while I spaced out again. It's not a big deal for this brain of mine since it only took me a few minutes  to catch up with 2 days worth of lessons. I don't wanna show off but well.


*RiiiinnGggGg riiinngg*

"Okay class is dismissed! See you tomorrow"

Yaaayyy fINALLYYYY~ I quickly took out my phone to text my lovely mama.

Mom? Can you pick me up
now? School is over 🤗

My Queen 👸🏻
Mama is on the way 💙

I'm waiting for her near the school gates when I saw familiar figures drove by. Wenjun, Zhengting and Justin are on their black motorbikes heading home. Wow I actually remembered all their names. But what's taking mom so lon-
*beep beep* I turned to the direction where the sound came from and there she is in the shiny white Mercedes Benz looking all smily.

You probably may have guessed, my family is quite rich. I live in a big mansion and we have many cars and by that it's not just 'any' cars but the 'limited edition' ones. My parents do business and they are very famous and respected in the business world. Unlike any other rich parents, they love and care about me a lot. Sounds like I'm the luckiest girl in the world right? Welp, until you know the whole story.

"So.. how was school sweetie?"
"Well, boring as usual but it's okay?"
" Haha alright. Oh! I'm going to make some foods to greet our neighbors, can you lend me a hand? I think we should introduce ourselves and know more about them"
"Sounds great! At your service anytime, your majesty🙇🏻‍♀️ "

Mom and I were baking our signature bread rolls for the neighbors while dad was sitting on the sofa watching TV. I was quite excited and nervous to meet them uhm hopefully they are nice people?

"Min? I don't think it would be formal enough for us to show up with just these. Can you make the mashed-strawberries-like-jam you made last time?"

I nodded. I knew learning how to cook would bring me some works in the future. Without further complaints, I started mashing the strawberries.


"It smells so gooood~ alright baba and Min, let's go!"

I gulped nervously as we're now standing in front of our 'neighbor's house'. We rang the door bell a few times before someone answered.

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