Reed900 - Bet You

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"Deal." Gavin said with smug look. He was going to be honest, he wasn't that confident with what he'd just agreed to, but there was no way he was going to back down from a bet, especially if it had been presented to him by an arrogant, emotionless, no good piece of shit like Conan.

It had started on Monday morning. Gavin was his usual grumpy self, bossing his colleagues around and sniping at others when Conan approached him.

"Must you always act like a wild ape?" He said with no change of expression, his hands folded behind his back.

Gavin scoffed. "I do what I want, tin can." He could admit, that may not have been his best insult, but it got the point across.

Conan rolled his eyes. "I'm saying that this department would perhaps function to a higher standard without your constant need of attention and unmerited assertion."

Gavin fell a little speechless. "I do not need attention... and besides, I can be nice when I want."

"Really?" The corner of Conan's mouth tugged up slightly into something that resembled a smile, "What do you say we propose a bet of sorts?"

Gavin should've just told him to fuck off, but he held his pride over everything, and he had to admit that he was a /little/ bit interested in what this asshole had to say.

"Go on..."

"Starting now, you must be nice to everyone in this precinct for a week. If you can do that, I will do your work the following week."
Gavin grinned. This'll be great.

"But," Conan paused, locking eyes with him, "if I win, you must to do mine for a month."

That wasn't even fair. Gavin really should've just told him to fuck off.


How hard could it be?


Turns out it's quite hard. It pained him to hold back that snarky comment and instead replace it with a compliment, and his pride shattered each time he offered to make a coworker coffee. He would go back to being his regular old rude self in secret, but 'secret' didn't seem to exist for him anymore. Conan hadn't taken his eyes off him since they initiated the bet two days ago, and had followed him around everywhere. Even the bathroom. Not to mention everyone was also in on the bet, making it 100% harder to move through the day without exploding from anger.

There had been so many almost-slip-ups, but today was the day Gavin reached the boiling point.

He was just sitting at his desk when he heard Hank call out, "Oi Gavin, come over here."

Gavin looked over to see the older man waving him over, a large grin spreading across his face. He ground his hand into a tight fist and stood up, Conan's eyes following his movement from his own desk.

"Yes Hank?" He spoke through his teeth, his tone passive aggressive.

"Be a dear a get me a coffee, would you?" He batted his short lashes mockingly.

Gavin plastered a grin on his face. "Of course, Hank."

He spun around, walking to the break room. Taking deep breathes, he clenched and unclenched his hands as he tried thinking of the positives:

1) with everyone taking advantage of the situation, he technically wasn't able to do his work (which didn't matter anyway, because Conan was going to do it all once he won this stupid bet) and

2) ...well, that was the only positive he could think of, but it calmed him down a little anyway.

He finished making the coffee and made his way back to Hank, placing the cup on his desk.

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