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28 days before

I watched the ground carefully, looking for someone or something, as I jumped from tree to tree. The closer I got to the border, the more my mind became empty. Only one thought consumed me and as much as it should frighten me, it didn't. Instead, I felt like a little kid going down a waterslide for the millionth time.

I heard the movement of grass and peered over the very thick limb in front of me. I saw two muscular men, standing around 6'5. They were chatting about their home life, nothing interesting. I searched for a coin stashed in the side pocket of my leggings, before throwing it in another direction.

The quiet clink of the coin sounded out through the air and both men quickly whipped their heads into the direction of it. They whispered among one another for less than a second, before stalking over there. I dropped from the tree and ran into the border, with only the sound of the leaves rustling to indicate I was there.

Not more than 16 seconds passed, before howling was heard and the rumbling of many wolves running to protect their Alpha was heard. I quickly climbed through a window, that was recklessly left open. I sneaked upstairs, thankful for the dark atmosphere. Seeing the exact room I was looking for, I squeezed through the door left ajar and hovered over the old man. Oh, how sad it would be to take a life as cruel as his. I flicked the pure silver dagger from my belt and slit the wrinkly neck. I wasn't bothered from the blood squirting onto the beige walls or myself, but the young woman lying next to the dead man showed obvious signs of distress as she screamed for help.

"Shh, I won't hurt you. In fact, I think you owe me a thanks." I put the dagger back into the space it belonged and walked out of the room, leaving the trembling girl. Of course, I couldn't leave without informing others of his wrongdoings and why he died the way he did. I placed the thick folder of pictures and statements onto his coffee table. I could barely look at what the folder contained without feeling absolutely and utterly disgusting.

I made my way out of the house, watching as pack members surrounded a overly large house. Wrong house, I wanted to sing to them. They were obviously blind to their Alpha's nightly routines, sneaking into the house of young women before sedating them and well, you know.

The patrol officers left the borders, which I must say was a very dumb choice on their part. If they got in from the borders, they have to get out that way too. I rolled my eyes at them and continued my way home through the dark and crowded woods.


I awoke to the sound of the TV being turned on and the news blasting through the speakers. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes before sitting up and paying close attention, waiting for my "name" to be said.

"Alpha Leon was murdered in his sleep. The only witness to see the person responsible for his death is Anna Conway. She describes the murder as a woman around 5'6, with a light brown skin tone and green eyes. Others suspect the doing of this is by 'Zero', the only evidence of this is the coin found on the outside of the border."

A picture of the coin is provided next to the lady's head. My coin shows an 'Ø' being engraved into it. I don't know why people call me 'Zero' when it's obviously an O as in Octavius, my middle name. The only reason for the slash is because it kinda looks like an 8, which is what Octavius means. I know it's dumb to hint at who I am, but credit is due where credit is due.

"The motive is unknown."

What! I basically handed them all the motive one could need!

"Another assignment came in for you today." Armenia, my partner, said while handing me an envelope. I gently took the envelope from him and studied the outside. The word 'CLASSIFIED' was stamped boldly, in red ink.

I tore open the top and pulled out the numerous pages of information of who was to be my next kill. An attractive photo of a man was placed to the top right corner. The name Malachi Astois printed underneath. The page included his age, position, family members, address, and other basic information about the Alpha. The next pages were the most important. They included his daily routine as well as his Beta's, and guards. This was all that the envelope contained.

"Where is the folder? Why are we killing this man?" I looked through the pages again, as well as around me, looking to see if I dropped a paper.

"The envelope was all that I was given. Boss said to kill the man and don't ask questions." Armenia shrugged and turned towards the little kitchen to check on the bacon and eggs.

"I can't kill the man if I don't have a reason. I'm not that mean." I whined aloud and threw my head back in frustration. I would ask Boss why, but it's not exactly the easiest to get ahold of her.

"Boss said you have 4 days to prepare, she expects him dead by the end of the week." He hollered from the kitchen. I sighed even louder before studying the papers once more.

The man was very attractive and I stood staring at his picture more than one should. My excuse, if anyone happened to ask, would simply be that I didn't want to kill the wrong man. Easy.

I seemed to care more about his basic information, which was completely useless, more than I did for the plan. I felt embarrassed and ashamed, so instead I folded the paper and placed it in my side pocket. Just for safekeeping, not to look at it later. No, not that at all.

I went through his routine in my head multiple times. Alarm goes off at 5:00 am, goes to gym 5:30 - 6:30 am, takes shower and gets dressed, has breakfast at 7:00 -7:20 am, works in office until 4:00 pm, goes around pack 4:10 - 6:30 pm, has dinner 6:50 - 7:20 pm, goes back to office until 9:00 pm, before retiring to his bedroom and the whole thing repeats. Pretty boring life, I feel sorry for this guy.

His only weakness stated on the paper is his sister. The 8 year old lives with an old lady, most likely a nanny. Which is perfect for me.

Cause a distraction by the nanny's house, while he's getting ready for bed. He'll hear of the disruption from his guards or nanny. He surely wouldn't go out of the house indecent, especially to see his sister. At most, I have 3 minutes to climb through his window and kill him before he's surrounded by guards.

I smile at the plan, it's simple. If he is first to check on his sister, then Armenia is over there to shoot him with a silver arrow. If not, I kill him. Either way, little Alpha Malachi can say bye-bye.

I informed Armenia of the plan over breakfast, he just nodded and continue eating. I started at him, waiting for a question but he just sat there. "Okay, I'm gonna go get everything prepared. We leave tomorrow night." I left the table, shaking my head at the weirdo.

I pulled everything from underneath my bed. I stared at the assortment of weapons, gathering what we would need, before putting the case back. I grabbed the liquid silver and put my gloves on. I carefully dipped the weapons one-by-one into the silver. I would remove them tomorrow, so they would have full potence of the silver.

Now to see the Alpha and his pack for myself. Not because I want to, of course. I wouldn't want to not know where I'm going and blow the whole mission.

I tiptoed down the stairs and towards the door. "Where are you going?" Armenia's deep voice sounded out from behind me.

I turned my head, smiling as innocent as I could. "Uh, shopping? No wait, out. I'm going out, that's all. Haha." I quickly turned my head away and made a dash for the door.


AHh, I'm actually so bad at writing, but practice makes perfect so I'm doing just that. This story might go by a little fast at some moments and slow the other moments, I'm trying though :(

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2019 ⏰

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