A girl and A boy

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A piece of work

Comes by nevertheless

Nothing but it's art

With its silentness.

A guy on the store

Walking aside the town

Passing down the zebra,

Leaving on its own.

A girl behind her desk

Hiding from someone next to her

A guy who looks cool,

Human by the opposite.

She's the one,

The nerd,

The geek,

The genious.

But he's the one,

The popular,

The cool,

The star.

Until one day,

When faith leads them both,

Into something maddening,

Into something beautiful,

Into something painful,

Into something crazy,

To fall in love with each other.

And she learn things,

Not the one she learn on her books,

Not the one her mom told her,

Not the one she thought before.

And he learn things,

Beside popularity,

Beside reputation,

Beside anything.

Cause love doesn't count words,

Cause love doesn't depends logic.

It cames deep in the between,

Between the two souls.

Second one! Hehe:) Vote, comment and follow!

Xo, Kim.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2014 ⏰

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