One Shots 4 (Minnesota) - The Office

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Sota swallowed hard as she walked towards the Director's office.  Would he chew up her for Wash's nickname he didn't like?  Would he eat her up about losing several rounds to Wash?  Would he scold her about the angry look she always gave him?

She'd never been called to his office officially like that before, so she was very nervous.  She wondered how the other rounds were going.  She looked back, but decided she'd better hurry to not keep the Director waiting.

When she got to the door she took a deep breath as FILSS greeted her and let her in.  "Thanks, FILSS."  She murmured before stepping in.  She stood at attention.  The Director was staring at the new leaderboard... just staring at it.  She frowned.

"At ease, Agent Minnesota."  The Director ordered calmly.  Sota relaxed and went over to the desk in the middle of the room.  "What is it, Director?" 

"I had another agent like you, Sota."  He started, folding his hands neatly behind his back.  "She was smart, cunning, stubborn, and quite rebellious against me."  He turned to face her. 

"Her name was Agent Louisiana."

"And?"  Sota asked.  She had never heard of an Agent Louisiana.  "Louisiana was also at the top, and she would come in here and continually criticize the way I run things here.  But she was the best.  She was an amazing agent."

Sota didn't know whether to be flattered or guilty.  What was he trying to get at?  "She was so amazing that the other agents were drawn to her... specifically one.  They went on a mission together that they'd done a thousand times, Sota."  He made another dramatic pause.

"The agent distracted her, Minnesota.  She died because of that agent."  The Director growled.  Sota tried to keep her gaze from switching to horror.  "Sir... what are you insinuating?"  She couldn't keep a small quiver out of her voice.

"Just be careful on how close you bring the other agents.  You're their leader now, Sota.  They'll look to you.  All of them.  You can't just focus on Wash."  He told her sternly.

"But sir, she's my friend-"

"She is a fellow agent and nothing more, is that understood, Agent Minnesota?!"  He snapped, making her look down.  "Y-yes sir."

"Now I have no problem with you hanging out and having a good time, just don't let it interfere with training or missions.  Spend some time with the other agents and get to know your team.  That's an order, Agent Minnesota."  The Director's voice had softened even though he was giving an order.

"Yes sir."  Sota said again, not liking the conversation.  "Sota, listen to me.  I'm not trying to ruin your life, or your relationship with Agent Washington.  But I need you to realize that you have bigger things to worry about, a big responsibility resting upon your shoulders."  That didn't really help...

"But I couldn't have chosen a better agent to become the leader of this team."  The Director went on.  "I have given you everything."

Sota couldn't stop herself.  "But you've also taken also way everything!"  "Excuse me?"  There was no going back now.

"I know what Gin did to her husband!  It's sick!" 

"You don't understand what she did, Sota." 

"Oh I think I do!" 

"And I know you dont!"

"And what about Ollie, Leo, Evan, Ophelia, and Sage, huh?  How were they taken?"  Sota demanded.  "I promise you, Agent Minnesota.  I have done nothing for those children that wasn't for their own good.  I've treated every agent here with privileges they don't even know about.  I have given you everything!"

A random thought popped in her mind and she couldn't keep it back either.  "What about Agent Nevada?"  The Director was caught off guard.  "What?"

"Agent Nevada!  The so called ghost agent that nobody sees or is allowed to see!  You treat him like a wild animal in a cage, so don't say you treat every agent here with respect and privileges!"  Sota argued.  The Director stared at her in bewilderment. 

"Do... you know?"  Why else would she be defending him? 

"Know what?"  Sota frowned. 

"That's quite enough, Agent Minnesota."  The Director turned away, angry at himself for almost revealing one of his darkest secrets... to the daughter of Holden.

"But sir-" 

"I said that's enough, Sota!  You're dismissed!" 

While I was writing this, my mom came up to me and asked what I was writing about and I had to awkwardly explain Project Freelancer to her XD
Haven't checked for mistakes as usual :P

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