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veronica closed her apartment door, and took a deep breath. she was finally home. her dinner with rowan had not gone as planned. paparazzi had swarmed the two, bombarding them with questions like 'are the two of you dating?!' or 'veronica, are you a lesbian?!', and cheryl had not texted her back in four hours. veronica pulled out her phone again, checking to see if she had at least read them, but to her disappointment (and slight relief that she might not be ignoring her), it still said delivered. a groan slipped passed her lips and she began to type again.

v💫: hey sorry if i was being annoying earlier.

veronica stared at her phone expectantly, silently praying she would respond. as soon as the three bubbles popped up to indicate that cheryl was typing, veronica felt her heart jump.

cheryl💗: sorry i was busy.
cheryl💗: how did your date go with what's-her-face?
v💫: rowan? it sucked. and it wasn't a date, honest. we're just friends. plus, i'm pretty sure she has a girlfriend. but there were paparazzi everywhere and i had a panic attack ://
cheryl💗: you what
cheryl💗: fuck i'm so sorry. i would've dropped what i was doing if i knew you were actually having a panic attack. i'm so sorry.

veronica's message made cheryl's stomach twist with guilt and worry. god, sometimes she was so selfish. cheryl scrolled up through their messages to examine the six texts that veronica had send to her in the past four hours

v💫: skdjsj cheryl please respond there's so many people here and row had to go grab her jacket from her car helpndjsh
v💫: i'm actually shaking sksksk

v💫: why do paparazzi get so close and why are their flashes so bright? i feel like i'm gonna pass out. cheryl please help

v💫: i'm actually having a panic attack and rowan still isn't back i have no idea what to do i'm so scared
v💫: everyone is staring at me and taking pictures and now me having a panic attack is probably gonna make front fucking page of people magazine or something like that

v💫: sorry i'm being annoying i just don't know what to do

cheryl felt like the worst person in the world right now. her friend had had a panic attack and messaged her six times and she didn't even bother to open them. cheryl knew very well what it was like having a panic attack. she had them at least once a day the following year after her brother had been killed. they fucking sucked. she could've easily helped veronica out if she wasn't being so childish and ignoring her over something she knew she had no right to be upset over. cheryl began to type to veronica again.

cheryl💗: i'm literally the worst person in the world. what the fuck. i am so, so, so sorry, love

veronica felt her heart clench, not only at the new nickname cheryl had given her, but at the guilt cheryl felt. veronica hadn't meant for her to feel shitty about everything and she definitely wasn't mad at her for anything. cheryl was probably busy with her friend toni or with her cheer squad. veronica quickly typed back a reply before shutting her phone off and walking (more like staggering) to her bathroom to get ready for a much needed bath.
v💫: don't worry about it, babes. i'm not upset or anything! it's not your fault you were busy. i'm gonna take a bath but i'll text you when i'm out! xo

cheryl sighed and typed an 'ok!' and opened her instagram, scrolling through it mindlessly. a post from veronica popped up and she liked automatically, a smile gracing her face before it quickly fell. why the fuck did she post a picture with rowan? 

 why the fuck did she post a picture with rowan? 

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she examined it and scowled. they looked too friendly for her liking. she knew she had no reason to be so upset over something so small but she still was. she thought back to the conversation she had had with toni only a day before. was she truly jealous? cheryl's head spun and her chest grew heavy. there was no way this was happening to her. no fucking way. did cheryl have a crush on veronica? she bit her lip, smudging her perfectly applied lipstck in the process. "it would make sense" cheryl muttered to herself, going over the symptoms in her head. cheryl whipped out her phone once again, opening safari and quickly typing into the search bar 'how to know if you like someone quiz'. it was a bit juvenile, but desperate times...


Do you constantly check their social media, or find yourself unable to stop staring?

yes no

Do you feel like you're high, or  soaring when you're with them?

yes no

Do you always think about them?

yes no

Do you want them to be happy?

yes no

Have you found yourself under more stress lately?

yes no

Do you feel pain as strongly as you did beforehand? 

yes no

Are you trying new things for them?

yes no

Please wait while we calculate your results




Congratulations, you're in love! 

cheryl felt her stomach drop to her knees. oh fuck.

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