47 sprüche

158 17 2

- do not give up, the beginning is always the hardest.

- i´m getting better but it´s in small steps.

- the evil queens are the princesses that were never saved...

- real feelings don´t just ,,go aways"

- don´t let little stupid thinks break your happiness.

- be a fruit loop in a world full of cheerios.

-,, true love will triumph in the end- which may or may not be lie, but if it is a lie, then it,s the most beautiful lie we have" -john green

-I don´t hate you. Inever will. Ijust act like i do because it´s easier than admitting I miss you.

- what ever you decide to do, make sure it makes you happy.

- tried of hiding my feelings from the person i want to most.

Women: God, send me a man who understand my feelings and makes me feel special.

God: I did years ago but you keep telling him you only like him as a friend!

- people who know the next letter of the alphabet without singing the song are terrifying.

-my vocabulary in real: 1. omg 2. dude 3. what the hell 4. i´m gonig to kill you 5. f*ck you

- i deal with my personal promlems the same way i study for test... i dont

-dieser Moment wenn du free wifi findest.

- i dont nedd you. I have internet.

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