The Second War

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Mars was going well we expanded both outwards and upwards. We had parties every night to celebrate peace. It was the 621st day on mars we had trouble. We saw multiple ships land and crash on mars. We sent multiple exploration groups out. When they returned they told us that multiple groups of humans, aliens, and robots had landed in several areas. We sent rescue teams to the crashed ships and with the rescue teams were guards. There were 10 guards with each rescue team. In each rescue team were 5 medics. The next day the rescue teams returned with 20 humans, 10 aliens, and 10 robots. We made them slaves until after a while they showed that they were peaceful they all became civilians. Only 5 humans showed disrespect and violence so we banned them from our city. We built walls around the center, edge, and in between the center and edge of the city. We reinforced houses, towers, companies, and factories. We saw a small city nearby we sent 5 guards, 3 merchants, and 1 exploration group. They came back a week later with machines and ammo. Me and Henry and the same group who left last week went to the city. When we arrived they gladly let us inside. Me and Henry asked to talk to their leader. Bhyly and Khahden were with me in the meeting. Me, Henry and the city's leader named Stella. Talked about trade, aliens, protection, and temporary rest areas for a few hours. He allowed us to stay in his mansion for the night. Me, Henry and the group left. Bringing back more machines, weapons, and ammo. When we got back to our city it was night we slept. I woke up in the middle of the night and heard gun shots, lasers, explosions, and cannons. I rushed to armory grabbed heavy armor, a M16 laser handgun, and a Laser Rifle. I saw two aliens searching the hall shot both of them and stole their ammo. I kept running, killing, and stealing. I reached Henry's room and opened the door. There were 2 aliens me t to Henry. I shot them and woke up Henry I got him to the armory he geared up. We got my other friends doing the same thing I did. When all of us were ready we went outside shooting all of the aliens we saw. We looked for any humans we saw none. All we saw were raptors, the new aliens, and the attacking aliens. We ran to a group of raptors and asked them if they have seen any humans. They said "no" we continued killing the attackers and asking raptors. Soon the gun shots stopped me and the council searched for humans, raptors, snakes what we called the new aliens, and buffalos what we called the attacking aliens. We found a merchant, a guard, two explorers, 10 raptors, 8 snakes. We found no more attackers. When I looked outside the other city named the halos were finishing off the retreating buffalos. When me and the council exited our city we thanked them. They told us "we are making a map you can repay us by telling us what your group name is." We told them "our group's name is the Eagles." Stella chuckled and said "very patriotic." Then they left we went back inside and began disposing of the carcasses and rebuilding any damaged buildings. The next day it seemed as if my cities lowered population tripled. Soon I was told that the two explorers found multiple groups of survivors. I cheered and thanked him for the good news. I went into my lab called josh and we began working on a communication system. A system that would make any technology tell them that there were two cities advancing at our coordinates. Me and josh knew that this could make enemies attack us but we also knew that many survivors would rush this way. We told the halos about this and they agreed with our decision. On the 640th day we used the system and almost immediately thousands of vehicles rush our way. Some begin shooting at us others look scared. We eliminated all of the things shooting at us. Soon all of the things arrived. I had 10 guards at the door. I was their greeting all the peaceful things who entered. My guards would greet the violent ones with their guns. After three hours there were no more things to greet. We got 50 more humans, 30 more raptors, 45 more snakes. Which made our population 81 humans, 5 vampires, 80 raptors, 79 snakes. We had a party that night and I left early to go check the gate and walls. The guards were all at the party so the council had to go check the gates every half hour. The schedule was Henry, Me, Noah, Josh, Jacob. I checked all of the sides using binoculars. I saw nothing but I heard a suppressed shot wiz by my ear. I sounded the alarm and told them I was just fired at on the west wall. Multiple guards rushed over I told them to duck but two of them were already shot in the head. I told them that it might be sniper. One of them passed me a sniper. And the rest took aim with their own snipers. I found the sniper and hit them in the head. Then screams and soldiers began charging at us. We sounded multiple alarms and began firing. I hit multiple of them in the head and they did not die. I looked back at the sniper and saw that they were dead I told them to aim for the heart instead of the head. The enemy soldiers began falling quickly. Almost all of the city was shooting at the soldiers. When all was quiet I walked towards the gate when an explosion happened next to me the gate had exploded. I sounded all the alarms on the gate. Soon all of our soldiers began charging at the gate. They began firing through the gate. Then everything went black when I woke up I was in a hospital. My friends were next to me and they said "finally he is awake." I got up and we began talking they told me we were attacked by the buffalos. I asked " Did we not already kill them." We continued chatting and the next day a few humans walked up to me and asked how do you not die in the sun. I said I don't know ask the vampires who turned me. They asked " where are they?" I told them "on our old home." They looked surprised  and walked away. More enemies more friends more battles more allies more deaths more life. The cycle of life life then death and soon more life.

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