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"Deku!" Bakugou yells, stomping down U.A.'s hall. "What was all that about?!" he growls.

I flinch slightly at the accusation but can't find the words to respond. "I was just using my quirk!" I stutter confused. "I don't know what I did!"

Bakugou brings his hand above his head, small sparks going off, signalling their near explosion. "Why, you little-"

I flinch back against the wall. I know he's probably not going to do anything bad, if anything maybe leave me with some scuff marks. He's grown up since middle school, but he hasn't stopped with these seemingly useless confrontations. I close my eyes and prepare for our encounter to end.

For a second, we just sit, my eyes still closed. Confused, I open one, half-expecting an 'explodo-kill' to the face. But, nothing happens. I open the other and glance at Bakugou, slightly worried. We've been sitting in this spot for a few minutes now. I haven't blown up and Bakugou isn't yelling.

Bakugou begins groping at his throat, clawing down his neck. He looks scared- er, more angry than anything, actually. He glares in my direction, and without removing his hands from his neck, somehow drives me further into the wall.

"Kaachan?" I ask nervously. "Are you-"

I stop talking as soon as he opens his mouth, expecting him to yell his decrees of murder. He moves his lips up and down but no sound comes out, rather hot breath and spittle comes out instead. Can he not talk?

"Are you okay?" I ask again. If possible, he somehow narrows his eyes further. He pokes me in the chest and continues his soundless rant, the only words I can make out being very colorful and imaginative (his mother would be proud).

"Wait, wait, wait!" I exclaim after a few minutes of Bakugou's silent screams. "You think I did this?"

After a firm nod, Bakugou grabs my wrist and begins to jerkily point at his throat. 'Fix it,' he mouths slowly.

"What?!" I ask. "But I didn't do it!" After a few more pointed glares, I sigh. "Come one," I grumble, prying my wrist out of his hands. "Let's get you to Recovery Girl."

I walk hurriedly to Recovery Girl's office, Bakugou in tow. The faster we get this done, the faster I get Kaachan off my back.

"Well, what do we have here?" she asks when we enter her room, immediately suspicious. "Let me guess, Midoriya has another broken finger?" She rolls her eyes and sighs. "We've been over this, Midoriya, and I thought you'd found a way to use your quirk without breaking your body!"

"Actually," I wince. "We're in here for Kaachan," I mutter, gesturing in his direction. When he's addressed, Bakugou takes a small step forward.

"He looks fine to me," she mutters, shuffling towards him. She taps his legs with her syringe-like cane and eyes his arms up and down. "What seems to be the problem, Bakugou?"

He opens his mouth to speak then glares in my direction. I blanch. "Well, you see, Recovery Girl, Kaachan can't- well, he can't really-" my stumbling over my words earns me a rather hard punch to the arm. "Ow," I mumble annoyed. I look back at Recovery Girl. "He can't talk."

She raises her eyebrows in surprise. "Can't talk, you say? So, he's mute," she mutters. "Might be better for all of us," she mumbles to herself. Bakugou's eyes narrow and he takes a step forward, as if threatening her. She snorts and rolls her eyes. "I was only joking, dear. Come this way. I will look at your throat," she says beckoning him forward. "Go ahead and head back to class, Midoriya."

"Are you sure?" I ask.

She nods her head and shoos me out the door. Once it closes, I let out an exasperated sigh and do as she instructs. By the time I return, Class 1-A is back in homeroom, being taught by Mr. Aizawa. I hastily take my seat and wait for class to begin.

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