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Cassidy's POV

I woke up at 4:40 and saw everyone sleeping. I remembered Ross told me to wake him up if I wake up first so I will. I walk over to his air bed on the floor. I lean down and kiss him, after 10 seconds he finally wake up and starts to kiss back. After 5 seconds I pull away. This time I pick him up bridal style and carry him into the guest room. Morning Rossy I say morning Cassie he says. Thanks for waking me up. Your welcome I say a laugh. Cass your really strong you can pick me up. Yeah well when I was 11 I weighed 72 pounds, my cousin was eight and she weighed 89 pounds and I could carry her, and my neighbor was 11 and weighed 120 pounds and I could carry her too. Well I like that you can carry me he says and laughs but now I'm going to carry you when you put me down you know. Well then I guess I'm never going to put you down I say and laugh.

Ross' POV

Wow Cass is super strong! I can't believe she can carry me. But don't worry little Cassie at some point your going to put me down and I'll get you.

Rydels POV

I wake up at 5:30 and see that Cassie and Ross are gone, I'm guessing there in the guest room. I look in and see Cassie is holding Ross now, wow she is strong. Awww there so cute together. Then I get an idea I'm going to scare them! I walk up behind Cassie and scream BOO in her ear.

Cassidy's POV

I was still holding Ross and we were laughing like crazy then all of a sudden someone screams boo in my ear then Ross and I scream and then I slip and fall on the floor and this time Ross falls on top of me pinning me to the ground. Ow I say. Dellyyyyyyyyyy why did you do that I say. Well I didn't think you would fall... Again she says and laughs. Then Ratliff walks into the doorway and looks at us and laughs. Let me guess Rydel scared Cassidy and Ross and then Ross dropped Cassidy...... But wait why is Ross on Cassidy and why are you pinning her down. Well most of what you said is true but actually Cassie was holding me Rydel scared us and Cassie fell and I landed on top of her and I'm comfy so I don't want to get up. Ratliff and Rydel laugh. Oh and Rydel thanks for making her fall cause she said she was never going to out me down so I couldn't pick her up. But now I'm going to get her when I get up. Rosssssssssssssss get off I say never he says back.

Ross' POV

Cassidy screams Rossssssssssssssss get off and I say never and laugh. Pwease get off she says doing her adorable puppy dog face. Fine I say but before she can run away I grab her and pick her up. You didn't think I was going to let you get away did u I say and laugh. Your a meany I hate you get away from me. Put me down!!!!!!she yells, no I say, I know your just kidding to get me too stop you love me and you know it. No I don't your mean😭. If you love me then put me down she says. I love you more then you could no but I'm not putting you down. Fine she says. I take her downstairs, lets watch some TV. When I turn it on the news pops up. Next up a breaking story on R5's lead singer Ross Lynch. Ross what's that about she asks me. Cassie sweetie I really don't know. Delly get down here now please and same with you Ratliff and wake up the rest of the boys and come here now Cassie says. Cassie baby what's wrong I ask her. I want to know why your on the news and I want everyone to see it. Everyone comes down and sits on the couch. Cassie is sitting in my lap though and I have my arms around her. Ok it's back on. Ok singer and actor Ross Lynch was spotted last night with a girl. Huh that's me! Stupid paparazzi!!!!!!! Cassie sweetheart calm down its ok, we weren't hiding It anyway. I know but that day was special no one should of been spying on us she says. We have footage of Ross with this mystery girl on there date last night. Roll the video. Cassidy can I ask you something but please no kidding around this time. Yes what's up? Cassidy beep beep will you be my girlfriend? Yes!!!!!!!! I'm the happiest guy on earth you know that? I have the most amazing girl in the world!*kiss for 10secs* I love you Cassidy. I love you too Ross. So the mystery girls name is Cassidy and apparently Cassidy is his new girlfriend. So now who is a Rossidy shipper cause I know I am. These too are adorable together! So raura and raia shippers sorry but its not happening. Rossidy is on. Ugh I hate paparazzi, now our kisses all over the news. I know Cassie sweetie but its ok. *ross' phone rings*. Ok- yeah-oh fine-I'll see-bye. Cass ummm now I have to go to an interview about us and they were wondering if you could come and introduce yourself. Yeah fine. Lets go get ready. Oh and you guys have to come too fit an R5 interview. Lets go. I decide to wear this- - ok Ross, Delly boys lets go.

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