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Kian POV

We spent 24 hours behind bars, obviously not my first time, I've been arrested before but I still hated the smell. I honestly couldn't wait to get my hands on Jasmine again. The press were already waiting outiside, but I just wanted to get out of here. An officer unlocked my cell, it was about fucking time jesus.

"Mr Kian Lawley you are now free to go but..."

"Save it for the press gramps. I got a girl to see."

Jasmine had just gotten out, and I walked over to her. I traced my finger around the hickey I had left before. I started sucking on the other side of her neck, and her head rolled back in pleasure. I slowly moved my hands down to grab her boobs.

"Hey, hey! HEY! You two! How about you save it for when you actually get out of the police station huh? Damn."

I smirked. "You're just jealous that you don't get any action. Nobody wants your crusty dick." I grabbed Jasmine by the wrists. "Hey old man you don't happen to have an extra pair of handcuffs, might need them for later."

The officers face got bright red. "I'm going to report you for sexually harrasment if you don't get the hell out of my station!"

I raised my middle finger and took Jasmine away from the no pussy getting old man. And we instantly ran into three reporters who started smacking their mouths.

"Is it true that you two ran away from the cops?"

"Did you really get tazzed?"

"Did you actually make out in an alley?"

"The only thing you got right is the last one. Now back the fuck up before I tazz you."

I pointed to the lady with the huge glasses and she flinched. Jasmine giggled. We pushed past the small crowd that had gathered, and I kept Jasmine close. I wasn't about to let any one get near her execpt...


I gulped.I never seemed to make a good impression on parents. I guess it just wasn't my thing.

"What the... Jasmine? Getting arrested? What is wrong with you?"

"Sir I can explain..."

"Save it junior. I'm talking to my daughter."

Junior? Who was he calling Junior?

"Who the fuck are you anyway?"

"Dad this is Kian... my boyfriend."

"Your WHAT?"

"Boyfriend. Do you want me to spell it out for you? Because I'd be happy to ... junior."

"I must be mistaking it sounds like you're saying that this skinny boy is your boyfriend."

"Dad he is."

"Boyfriend my ass get in the car right now."


"The only butts should be yours in my car NOW."

"She has a nice one too... just saying."

If it was possible, his face got even redder. I kissed her on the cheek, and slipped a piece of paper in her back pocket. I brought my mouth to her ear.

"This is so you know where to find me, so we can finish what we started."

I nibbled at her ear and walked away, not looking back. I knew she would come, whether or not her dad allowed her to. I walked towards my ride, where Jc and Connor were impatiently waiting.

"Kian what the hell have you done now?"

"What? Me? Why do you always assume it was me? It could have been her you know."

Jc rolled his eyes. "Because it's always you. You're always getting in trouble, and we're always bailing you out."

I stuck out my bottom lip. "But she started it."

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