Chapter Three

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Jacob's POV

So I've been thinking here lately, after that day I walked in Renesmee's room and I heard her voice in my head saying " Man he is so sexy!" I was surprised. But to keep it from her mind reading freak of a dad I have to keep counting to 100 in my mind, but I have to try extra hard to not think about that day or how beautiful Nessie is. Ever since I heard her voice in my head I knew that I had to tell her soon that I imprinted on her, but I will have to talk to Edward and Bella first. " Hey Jake, can I talk to you?" Bella asks me. I walk over to the door at a slow pace with a confused expression on my face. " So me and Esme are going to go to James K. High School, about 15 minutes away from here and enroll all of us including Renesmee in high school." She tells me.  I thought I was gonna change into my wolf but I had to keep calm for Renesmee's stake in case she's anywhere out here. " So what your trying to tell me is that there is a 100% chance that Renesmee will have a date the first week of school and I won't have a say in it?" I ask Bella angrily. " Jake please let me finish, I was gonna ask you if you would sometime tell Renesmee about your feelings for her along with the imprint, but no words need to be spoken to Edward about this." She tells me, she has this worried look on her face that I can't shake off when she says Edwards name, and I want to comfort her but I'm not in love with her anymore. " Yea sure thing Bell's , but will you block or shield mine and Renesmee's thoughts when I do tell her in case you know Edward hears something he will not be pleased with?" I ask her, because the last thing I want him to do to me is kill me. " Yes but don't you dare hurt my daughter because I will kill you." She told me with an evil grin. " I won't"

Hey guys I hope this is good. I have taken a long time figuring the right words for this chapter. Bye :))

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