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"SHUT UP!" I yell stomping away from the U.A. campus. "Shitty  nerd. Shitty teacher. Shitty school!" I mutter to myself. "Gasp! Are you Katsuki Bakugou!" A woman a little older than myself says.

'Did she just say Gasp?' "Whaddaya want?!" I snap.  "Oh sorry I'm a really big fan of yours. I became a fan when I saw you on the news during the sludge attack. Oh sorry my name is Miyuka. Miyuka Sake!" She says.

"Tck! Get lost! I don't have time for you!" I snap at her with a glare. She frowns. "Sorry. Did I say something wrong. My quirk is called Witchcraft. I am able to cast any spell I think of. Only I can't create life. Or manipulate the elements or things like that."

"I don't give a shit. Leave me the fuck alone!" I shout in her face with the harshest glare  I could muster. She glares back. "Too bad. I thought you would be kinder. Now for your punishment.  Seibetsu suwappupāmanento!" She says pointing her hand at me. "WHAT THE FUCK? YOU THINK YOU CAN PUNISH ME?! BITCH YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW ME!" I yell as she shoots a glowing pink ball of light at me. When it hits me I hit the ground. "Bitch you will pay for that!" I say getting up. She laughs.

"Tomorrow morning you will see the difference!" She says disappearing. "OI BITCH GET BACK HERE!!" I scream. "K-kacchan?" I here a shaky familiar voice call out. I spin around with a harsh glare. "WHAT?!" I yell at him. "S-sorry it's just you were yelling at thin air." He says cowering away. "Tck. Get outta my way!" I say walking past him bumping his shoulder on purpose.

When I get home I slam the door open. "DAMNIT KATSUKI WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT SLAMMING THAT DAMN DOOR OPEN?!" The old hag yells. "I DON'T GIVE A SHIT YOU OLD HAG!!" I yell back and stomped up to my room.

When I get there is slam my door shut. I throw my bag down on the floor. "Damn school. Damn witch bitch. Damn shitty nerd. Fucking old hag!" I mutter pulling clothes from my closet. "What did that Damn bitch mean by 'you'll notice the difference in the morning'?!" I says walking to the bathroom.

I open the door and walked in and set my clothes on the counter and grab a towel out of the cabinet. I start the shower and strip. When the water gets hot enough I step in and let the hot water. When I finish I step out. "What was it that bitch did to me?" I asks myself. "Katsuki dear? Could you run to the store for me?" The old hag asks when I walk down the stairs. "Yeah." I say lost in thought. "I need a few bell peppers and an onion. I am making your favorite curry. And please don't eat the peppers this time?" She asks handing me money. I nodded and walk out the door slipping on some slides.

When I get to the store I see Deku and his mother. "Oh! Katsuki dear! How are you?" Mrs. Midoriya asks. "I'm fine thank you. I am just picking up a few things for the old h- I mean mom." I say correcting myself.  She laughs and pats my shoulder and says goodbye as Deku waves, and she walks away tugging Deku along with her.

I grab the peppers and onion and walk to check-out and pay for them and walk home. "Oh! Katsuki dear would you like a ride home?" Mrs. Midoriya asks. "No thank you. I need the exercise. Thank you though." I say as she nods her head in understanding. She waves and drives off. When I get back I hand the bag to the old hag and walk up to my room.

The rest of the night was pretty blurry as I thought about what that bitch could have possibly done to me. When dinner was over I went up to my room and laid down. I fell into a dream-less sleep.

Little did I know was that my mother and father were worried. "What do you think is wrong with him? He wasn't really himself today." Mitsuki asks. Masaru shook his head and put his hand on Mitsuki's shoulder.

🌞Next morning🌞
💣Katsuki's POV💣

I woke up to my chest hurting slightly and when I sat up I felt like my cheat was really heavy. Maybe it was the curry. I stood up and went to my mirror. My eyes widened at the sight.


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