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The sound of glass hitting the floor, the only thing I heard before my world turned upside down.

It was morning when all hell broke loose and my life decided it wasn't exciting enough anymore.

It wasn't a sunshine grab a cup of coffee and listen to the bluebirds sing, that type of morning no.  This morning was a wake up in a cold sweat at five am feeling your skin prickle and knowing something bad was going to happen.

If you asked me how I knew I wouldn't be able to tell you, but I knew. 

I tiptoed across my hardwood floor, careful to avoid the creaking floorboards, the house I lived in was old, over a hundred and it had earned every year that it stood. It was painted a cloudy blue, had more bathrooms than you could count and a basement that even the devel wouldn't want to tread in. 

It wasn't my first choice of living arrangments, but when someone says you don't need to pay, well, money wins out. 

I put on a sweater, feeling the air cold against my body. It was the middle of July but for some reason this morning it felt like December. 

I still felt it, the sense that something bad was going to happen, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up, I felt like I was being watched.

I looked outside my bedroom window, not seeing anything. Not hearing anything either. That made me scared more than anything else did, it was dead silent. Not even a cricket chirped. 

I inched backward meaning to turn on my light, maybe that would help things seem less, spooky. I tried turning on my lightswitch but nothing happened. I stilled, knowing that there was no good reason for the power to be out, besides how cold it was. 

I didn't want to go into the rest of the house, but I also didn't want to stay in my room, I felt, no, I knew I needed to get outside get away from here, at least until daybreak. 

I went to my door, opening it a crack and peering out, everything seemed normal. Darkened hallway, bathroom quite. I stepped out, my barefoot careful to not make a sound. I walked quietly to the staircase taking the steps one at a time, making sure everything was normal.

"Maybe I'm just being paranoid" I mumbled under my breath as my foot hit the last stair. That's when I heard it, "Crash" the sound of glass breaking, my heart falling into my stomach as I heard movement coming from upstairs. From the room, I'd just been in. 

I rushed to the door, not worrying about putting my shoes on, I unbarred and unlocked it, pulling it. Except, it wouldn't open, I tried pushing pulling again nothing. My heart beating faster, and the noises became louder as I ran to the kitchen door, trying to open it, it would budge either. I tried the windows everything. I was locked inside. 

I stared in horror as I understood, I'm a prisoner in my own house, and whatever is making that noise, is coming down the stairs. I couldn't move, my breath formed clouds in front of me while a shadow loomed bigger against the wall I could hear it's footsteps, quite, teasing. It was taking its time, it knew I couldn't go anywhere...

........To be continued 

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