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me-'looks around in the white mass or the void' where are those two?





me- INK!!!! ERROR!!!!!

ink- 'pops by me with his brush in his hand' hey dinchi, whats going o- why is there a table and seats out here?

me- oh! i made a book and i hope you boys will be able to join!

ink- book?

me- yeah! were you answer questions from who ever sends them in! that was i was trying say yesterday

ink-oh make sense why error been in a bad mood, hold on' dissapper leaving me waiting as he appears back with a swearing error mumbling it under his breath' here he is!

error-HelL Am i dOinG tHis ShiT!!

me- aw come on!!! some might make you get rid of an universe with holding inky back!

error-' it hits him on that as he grin' a-alriGht!

ink- really?

me- best way to do it, so anyways intrdocuse yous sel- i cant talk

ink- heh we get what you mean, 'turns to the weird looking ball of red ' hello? wait do i look in it or?

me- you can it where it sending it to the book in my universe

ink- alright...hello im Ink! sans, but you can call me ink

error-Or I-i-nku or Inky D-d-depends O-on how you Know h-hIm

ink- thank you so much error...

error-I-Im e-eRRoR s-sans!~ c-call me eRRoR

ink- or errorey or errory

error-I-ill KilL ya!

ink- woh!

me- welp you heard them ask them anything! im going go before they bla- hey! my shirt!! how dare they....'dissappers in a weird glowing thing'

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