Like a fine Wine

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That tiresome old biddy was really gone. Hans chuckled to himself as he paced in his quarters. It's too bad Edward had survived his abdominal surgery. He mused. Britain would have been in such a state, Germany would have been able to expand her borders completely unnoticed. He was sorry that Emporer Wilhelm had already departed London, he would miss Hans' greatest moment.

Hans gave his reflection a cursory glance in the beveled mirror. Straightened his surcoat of pressed velvet and adjusted his ceremonial hat of state upon his head. The coronation was set to begin. He checked the vial hidden at his wrist, and smiled.

The August heat caused sweat to dampen his brow, the ceremony thankfully was being held in Westminster Abbey and the cool stone interior offered some relief from the heat, although Hans was shoulder to shoulder with the other ambassadors as  they crammed into the small church. Flowers scented the room, mingled with the stench of sweat and overly perfumed frenchmen.

The music blared and the ceremony began. Old Edward slowly made his way down the aisle, his forehead creased with pain. But his bearing was regal, he looked every inch the King in all his finery.

Alexandra was next, her glittering form bedecked in jewels, and wearing the traditional ermine cloak of state. Despite her fifty eight years she had the look of a much younger woman. She was beautiful still. She was kind, regal and devoted to her dolt of a husband but Hans hated her. He hated her for all her outspokenness against German expansion and successes. Every time he spoke of matters of state she was in the background undermining his every effort. Over his dead body would he deal with her as Queen. He thought darkly as he watched the procession with calculated interest. The dresses the attendants wore were understated lilac, in deference to the recently departed Queen Victoria. However they had overdone the flowers, the entire church reeked of the perfume of too many lillies and roses, it made Hans want to vomit. Perhaps its just nerves. He tried to calm his thoughts. Thankfully the ceremony was brief, the aging cleric reading from huge scrolls as he performed his duties. The king and queen were presented to those in attendance and everyone cheered and groveled accordingly.

Then it was time for the procession, Hans dreaded the tedious horseback ride to the palace. He filed out with the other ambassadors and accepted the footmans assistance in mounting his palfrey. The grey mare jigged a bit as he put his foot in the stirrup and he snatched the reins savagely. He settled himself upon the saddle and adjusted the coat across the horses flanks. With a sharp kick he sent the mare off at a smart trot to find his place in the long procession of horses and carriages along with footsoldiers and musicians. The populace of Britain threw flower petals and cheered as they passed and Hans resisted the urge to scowl.

Reaching the palace Hans handed the mare off to a stable lad and made his way into the banquet hall to await the presentation of the King and Queen and the customary feasting and dancing that would follow.

He smiled and nodded to other ambassadors, he even flirted with a serving girl. He was blending in perfectly. Nobody could suspect him.

Finally the mass of attendants bowed as Edward and Alexandra entered the room to the sound of trumpets. Hans glowered at the couple as they graced the dance floor. They danced slowly, Alexandra smiling radiantly at her husband as he stubbornly danced through the pain. The jewels adorning her lilac gown shimmered in the muted candlelight of the great hall. The other guests murmered appreciatively as they passed.

Once they took their bows, Edward retired to the medieval throne that had been set upon a small dias at the back of the room. He was handed a glass of wine and surrounded by a few lords who told naughty jokes and regaled their king with their exploits as young men together.

The queen was alone.

Hans moved through the crowd, edging closer to Alexandra. Once he reached her he bowed low, sweeping his hat off in a decidedly cavalier fashion. "Your Majesty," He said smiling his courtiers smile. "May I have the pleasure of a dance?"

"Of course Ambassador Stieglitz I would be delighted." The Queen said inclining her head.

"I'm delighted! Absolutely delighted!" Hans gushed. "To be leading such a beautiful and powerful woman in a waltz!"

The Queen frowned, but said nothing. Her ice blue eyes calculating as she surveyed the room regally. The music began and they took their places upon the dance floor. Hans was still a strong man, despite himself pushing sixty he had maintained his health and good form. He had a headful of silver blonde hair and brown eyes. He was a handsome man. But she distrusted him. She distrusted anyone sent to her court by Wilhelm.

The dance ended to polite applause and Hans seeing his chance, steered her to the refreshment table. "Allow me to fetch your Majesty a glass of wine."

Alexandra smiled politely. "Thank you Hans that would be lovely."

Hans carefully poured a measure of a Riesling from Germany. "This is a very fine wine." He proclaimed, carefully adding the poison as his back was turned. "I'm sure you'll love it."

"Oh I dont care for Riesling, you drink it. I'll have a claret." The Queen said firmly.

"Oh let's not waste it, just a taste." Hans urged.

"You will drink it." The Queen commanded. Signaling the guards covertly.

The glass was plucked from his grasp as two sets of strong arms grabbed his. "You will do as her majesty commands." The guard growled.

Sneering Hans took the glass and without a pause, gulped the contents. "Long live the Queen" he said cryptically.

Queen Alexandra smiled as he fell to the marble floor, lifeless.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2018 ⏰

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