Learning magic; Responsible ones (2/4)

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In the front yard, Hermione began to get to know me and Hinata.

"So, what did you guys do as a job in your homeland?" Hermione asked.

Me and Hinata looked at each other. "Should we tell her?" I asked. "I d-don't see any h-harm in doing that," Hinata stuttered.

Me and Hinata look back at Hermione,"Ninja's." We said in unison.

"Ninja's? I learned in school ninja's where fake." Hermione exclaimed.

I looked at Hinata and she nodded. "Hermione, wanna see something cool that Hinata can do?!" I asked.

"Oh sure..." Hermione said. Hinata activated her byakugan.

"What the heck is that?!" Hermione asked. "It's called a Byakugan, it uh...see's through walls and can locate people." I said, trying to dumb down the Byakugan so Hermione can understand it.

"That's amazing! Sakura, do you have any special abilities?" Hermione asked. "I've been told I have mister like strength..." I said.

"Really? Can you punch down that tree?" Hermione asked, pointing at a normal sized tree.

"Hm? Oh, piece of cake!" I yelled, then ran over to the tree.

"CHAAAAA!!" I yelled, applying a small amount of chakra to my fist, then punching the tree.

It didn't move. "I thought it was supposed to-," Hermione began but was cut off by the tree hitting the ground,"-Fall...Wow, you really are strong!"

Me and Hinata look at each other. "Wanna see something else?" Hinata asked.

"Sure!" Hermione exclaimed, obviously intrigued by our skills.

Me and Hinata both use chakra control to run up tree's, leaving Hermione speechless.

Magic jutsu (hp * Naruto crossover) {SLOW UPDATES}Where stories live. Discover now