"Holy Fuck"

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A/N: I didn't abandon you guys! I was actually in Korea for the summer and I was still settling back into routine for bit, but now I have time and I'll continue to update <3

He held your hand tight but his legs were a lot longer than yours and you were struggling to keep up.

"Jungkook slow down please!" You shrieked as he started to sprint up the stairs still pulling you behind him. You felt your foot slip on the first step and you closed your eyes as your knees painfully hit the ground.


You sat there glaring at him, trying to hold back the tears about to form from your throbbing knees, a little blood had also appeared on your left knee from the impact.

"Are you okay?" He bent down to your eye level. You quickly looked away because you didn't want him to see that you had tears in your eyes. 

"Yeah, I'm fine! I asked you to slow down..my legs aren't as long as yours you know!" You huffed, still not making eye contact with him.

"I know, I'm sorry that you got hurt..." He said quietly.

"It's okay" You sighed.

"Hey, can you look at me?" He asked gently.

"No, I'm good." You knew were being a brat, but you couldn't help it.

He sighed. "Fine. If that's how you wanna be."

Next thing knew, you were being lifted off the ground bridal-style. Your arms automatically wrapped around his neck to steady yourself.

"Yah! What are you doing! Put me down!" You started hitting his chest as he walked up the stairs.
How much does this kid work out anyway? His chest and arms are solid muscle.

He continued to walk all the way up to the top floor where the hot air balloon ride was, without saying a word while you protested and flailed around trying to get him to put you down.

Finally, he put you down and you looked around relieved that there wasn't a single soul in line waiting for this ride except the ride attendant.

"How did you know that there wasn't gonna be anyone up here?'

He shrugged, "I didn't, but I knew that this ride was here and only couples go on when it gets darker outside. I was just hoping I was right."

The ride attendant called out, "For two people?" 

"Neh, kamsahamnida" Jungkook nodded to them and gently took your hand and led you into the fake hot air balloon.

The ride started and you two just silently stared at each other. The silence was starting to get awkward, until he said "Sit."

You obediently sat down on the little bench they had.

"Let me take a look at your knee." He squatted down so he could take a closer look.

"Does it still hurt, noona?" He asked. You didn't even respond, all you could do is stare at him.


You snapped out of your thoughts and shook your head. 

"Noona, I'm sorry that you got hurt because of me." He said staring down at the floor.
He actually looks like he feels guilty. What the heck? Now I feel bad for being brat.  

"Hey..it's okay. I'm sorry for being a brat earlier. I was just mad that I fell, because it felt stupid to not be able to keep up with you" 

He still didn't look up making you feel even worse.

(+18) &quot;Teach me, Noona&quot; || you & Jungkook ||Where stories live. Discover now