»6-talking with them«

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When class was over me and my friends walked over to the cafeteria. While we walked, I earned some stares and whispers from people we passed by.

Hyejin put an arm around me and smiled slightly, "just ignore them Y/N" she whispered. I looked over to Sooyoung and she nodded at me. I sighed softly and nodded back, continuing to walk towards the cafeteria.

We walked towards the line to where the food was and picked our food out, and sitting down at our usual table.

"Sooo, how was class for you?" Sooyoung asked me and ate a piece of lettuce from her salade. "It was okay, better then yesterday... when I earned so many stares and whispers..." I sighed and ate some rice that I had picked out.

After a while of talking with Hyejin and Sooyoung, I felt a softly tap as my should followed by a voice. "Hey, Y/N... you promised to talk to me during class".

I looked behind me and sure enough, Jinyoung was behind me with two of his friends behind him, Daehwi and Guanlin. "O-oh sorry... I forgot" I bowed slightly and waved to Daehwi and Guanlin.

I looked behind me, at the confused Hyejin and Sooyoung. "Go ahead Y/N unnie" Sooyoung said and waved be off. I nodded and smiled at them before I walked off with the three boys.

"Hi noona" Guanlin smiled at me and waved. "H-hi Guanlin" I smiled back and bowed slightly. When we arrived at their table, two other boys were sitting down. Jihoon and Woojin were sitting down, eating and talking to each other. "Oh hey guys" Woojin smiled and waved and took a sip of the water he held in his left hand.

Jinyoung, Daehwi, and Guanlin sat down, leaving a seat for me beside Daehwi. "Hi Y/N" Jihoon greeted me and smiled brightly. I waved and smiled at him. "Sooo... how do you know Minhyun hyung?" Daehwi asked me, looking at me.

"Well... Daniel is my ex... and well... he left me with Minhyun for a "trip" and I called him and a lady picked up.. she was his fiancé and he even confirmed it..." I got a little teary as I said it as looked at the ground.

"Why would he do that to someone as cute as you" Jihoon said with a frown. I blushed slightly and looked up at Jihoon. "Yesterday, wasn't he the one that picked you up and just left??" Jinyoung asked and looked a little shocked. "Y-yeah..." I blushed slightly.

Jinyoung smirked slightly and then giggled, "hah that hyung is too much..." Woojin laughed and continued to eat. I began to eat and nodded, "Do you like living with him?" Daehwi asked and looked at me. "Hm... kinda I guess..." I answered and took my phone out.

I looked at my phone and saw Minhyun had texted me multiple times.

Hyunie Oppa

»are you okay??
»hello?!? Did something happen??

»I'm okay oppa...

I brought his contact up and and FaceTimed him. He picked up and immediately spoke, "WHY DIDN'T ANSWER BACK?!?"

Guanlin and Daehwi tried to peer at my phone, due to hearing a familiar voice booming from my phone. "Mianhae...." I said softly and bit my lip. "Ah... gwenchana... just please answer back next time please? Are you okay though?" He asked.

I nodded and turned the camera around, revealing Jihoon, Woojin, and Jinyoung. "Hi hyung!" Jinyoung exclaimed with a wave. "Hey" Woojin and Jihoon said and smiled. I turned the camera back around and showed Daehwi and Guanlin. "Hey Minhyun hyung!" The both exclaimed.

I giggled and smiled. "Hah hey guys. Treat Y/n good okay?" He asked the boys. "Ne" They answered. The bell rung and I stood up with the boys, "Hey hyunie oppa, we have to get to class now. Bye!" I said. Minhyun smiled and spoke "bye, have a good day!!".

I hung up and walked with the boys to throw away our trash. "You guys are close!" Daehwi exclaimed. "Hm... I guesss but.... we only met two days ago" I said slightly surprised.

"Welp... what class do you guys have?" Jihoon asked. "I have arts class next" I stated and smiled. "Oo me too!" Jihoon exclaimed and stood beside me. "Aw.. I have science.." Guanlin said. "Me too" Jinyoung and Daehwi exclaimed. "Aw... I have maths..." Woojin said and looked at the floor.

"What about after this class?" Woojin asked. "PE!!" We exclaimed. We all got excited that we all got put together for a class. "I'm excited! Welp see you guys later!" Guanlin exclaimed and walked off with Daehwi and Jinyoung.

Me and Jihoon walked off towards art class and into the room. "Does your schedule stay the same next week?" He asked. "Nope... it changes every other week. So the week after this week I have the same schedule as this weeks" I answered. "Okay Same" he smiled.

I smiled back and we took a place behind a canvas next to each other. "Hello class! Let's get you guys started with today's art lesson!" Mrs. Park exclaimed with a big smile. "You will chose a partner and make a painting do when you connect them, they make a beautiful picture!" Mrs.Park explained and wrote on the board.

"You may chose you're partner and get started!"

Word count: 905
Published: 7-31-18

Song of the day:
💕My Ear's Candy-Baek Jiyoung💕

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