Part 24

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Yn Pov

That person keep on sending me messages , saying " I told you to stay away from Chresanto!" And "I'm coming for you , Ready or not" Chresanto saw them but he told me not to worry about them he got our back.
The kids are not back from my moms house yet and I miss them but she says she wants to give us a break and she'll watch them for some days. I was sitting on the couch watching tv with Chresanto his head was on my lap and his feet was on the couch

" Yn?"

" yeah?"

" Let's take a picture and put it on Instagram"

" Okay"

He sat up, I grabbed my phone and took the picture. We both smiled and I posted it on Instagram and caption it

" chillin ' 😍😌💕"

It started drama

About 5 minutes after posting the picture ,, I got another text message from that unknown number.. That's how you know that stalk my Instagram
The message said

" Bitch, didn't I tell you to stay away from him ? You really got something coming now"

I showed Chresanto and he got mad instantly

" Calm down chres"

" Naw fuck that!"

He throw my phone on the couch and got off the couch then started walking back and forth
I stand up and stand in front of him he stopped and looked down , I hugged him

" Stop please, don't worry about they mess. That just want me away from you. Just worry about the importing things in your life. Me , Christina and Cj"

" Right I am ! They said they'll kill yall"

I rolled my eyes

" You love us don't you?"

" Yeah" he looked me in my eyes

" Then don't worry about them! keep your family safe Chresanto! I don't know ... What I'll do without you"

He looked at me for a minute then hugged me

" I love you Yn"

" I love you to chres"

He looked down at me and kissed my forehead

He went to sit on the couch and I sat next to him

" I miss the kids" I said

" I do to"

I didn't say anything

"but your mom wanted to spend time with them and give us a break"

I nodded my head " I understand"

" We can always have some more kids"

" Boy Bye. I'm done"

" that's what they all say"

I laughed and went into the kitchen and looked for something to cook but I couldn't find anything

" Chres!"

" Yeah?"

" we need to go get some food!"

" Okay. Lemmie put on my shoes"


I put on my shoes that was by the door and grabbed my purse and phone waiting for Chresanto
He finally came and we got into his car

"Kroger ?" He asked

" Yeah"

He drove to Kroger and we got food for the house. I got chicken and fries to cook today. We paid for it then left. We put the bags in the car and got in then left. I was felling paranoid like somebody was watching us. I looked back a few times and saw there was a black truck behind us following us

" Chres.. That car behind us is following us !"

" no they aren't. They probably just going to the same place is us.. See"

He turned left and they was still following us . He turned another left and a right and they was following us

" Chres they are following us"

I began to cry . He began to speed up and they speed up. They end up hitting the back of our car then we swerved and they hit the side of the car and we flipped over a few times.

The last thing I heard is Chresanto saying " I love you" before I blacked out


Woah will Yn and Chresanto be okay?

Who y'all think was in the car following them ?

Best thing i ever had ( sequel to All that matters) ( editing )Where stories live. Discover now