Brussels burns

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May, 29, 1985:

"The heart of Brussels is overwhelmed by English and Italian football fans, a huge mass of people and the match between Liverpool and Juventus has not even started yet. For the people who have lived in a cave recently, isolated from the outside world, today is the finals of European Cup 1, held here in our tiny, but welcoming Brussels, capital city of humble Belgium. So if you come outside the door, don't be afraid if you see many Italians or Englishmen, and certainly don't go thinking that you're suddenly have ended up in another country, no no you're still in Belgium. But if you do have nothing scheduled today, I suggest you to stay inside and to quietly enjoy the game on TV. "

Antonio turned off the radio and went to the window that overlooked the street. "Well here in Beringen it's still quiet calm." He muttered to himself. But when he went with Hannah to the center of town a while later, he had revised his opinion anyway. In the heart of Beringen were many Italians built the streets and were all exuberant singing, as if Juventus had already won.

Antonio grabbed Hannah's hand and pulled her slightly closer to him as they passed a group of young people. Fortunately, they were friendly and went immediately step aside to let them through and Antonio could not help thinking that Italians were still friendly people. Obviously, he himself was part Italian, so it was clear which team he would be cheering tonight.

Hannah was not home that night. Antonio was meeting friends of him and they had agreed that Hannah could stay with them. They also had a daughter about the same age and Hannah and Paulien were very close every time they were together. The parents had mutually agreed that Paulien's mom would watch over the girls so the two men could go watch the game in the pub around the corner. In return, Antonio had said, that when he came to pick up Hannah the next morning, he would pass by the bakery and butcher and would provide breakfast.

Then Antonio and Mario entered the pub and they immediately saw that there was only one flag neutral. This was obviously the Juventus fan club from Beringen who was present here. The manager greeted them upon their arrival and when they found a place they immediately ordered a beer. There was a betting round where they both also participated. Then the time was there. The opening ceremony followed by the kick-off for the match of the year.

Immediately a grim atmosphere lingered for all the race and riots had broken out in the crowd. Some thought it a good idea to even let the game continue, but from the start of the game fights had been going around.

When after the break Juventus also was rewarded a penalty, which leaded to the one-zero by Michel Platini, the Liverpool fans were really upset. Especially since the penalty was awarded, while the Italian was still definitely a half a meter outside the penalty area and a few minutes later wrongly a penalty was not granted to Liverpool.

Thus Juventus won the much-discussed loading and final of Europacup-1. After the game it was clear that during the heavy rioting before the start of the match, 39 people died and there were about 400 wounded.

That ensured that after the game even further riots broke out. Antonio and Mario wanted nothing to do with that and had gone home during the match. Also in Beringen was now less calm than before. Even small riots had broken out here and when they came back home and they put on the news they learned that there were riots across allover Europe.

Antonio was still a little upset. "why is fighting for this a must?" He thought. "It's just a game. Agreed that for some it is also their income, but why have the fans always come to fight with each other? "

It made him a little sad, and therefore he could not sleep immediately. He sat a moment at his desk and drew a picture of the stadium with the pictures of tonight that Antonio was sure he would not forget. And when he finished the rough sketch, he looked at them well. He had the crowd drawn in a bird's eye view and had chosen the scene of the moment just after the riots. The whole stadium was demolished and people were everywhere on the ground. He wiped a tear away at this and put the drawing in the drawer of his desk.

Then he crawled into bed and closed his eyes. Fortunately, he had drunk a little because he was certain that otherwise he could not sleep. For a moment he thought about Hannah which made a smile appear on his face, then he fell asleep.

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