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I haven't updated in so long, oops.

So here is some stuuf that is going on in my life at the moment.

-School started back up YAY(Note the very apparent sarcasm)

-I got a new phone because my old one was a piece of shit

-I read all of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians plus the Heroes of Olympus series and I love them

-At the moment I am reading Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard: The Sword of Summer

-I am dying in anticipation for Season 7 of Voltron: Legendary Defender


-I was at my grandparent's house for two weeks. This is mostly why I didn't update, plus I didn't have anything to say 

-School is really mentally exhausting 

-But most of my teachers are awesome, except for the Science teacher, it's gonna be a long year in Science

-My Literacy teacher from last year moved up a year so I got her again

-That same teacher I found out likes Panic! At the Disco

-I have three advanced classes and I am nervous for that

-I have to suffer tomorrow knowing I can't go on Instagram because Season 7 spoilers

-I started drawing again

That's all I have but question, Do you guys wanna see my drawings? I have a few I could show you guys.

Sincerely, RIver

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