Someone suggest a title i dont have one

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"Hey, this Greenwood's Cafe?"

"Mmhmm. David Greenwood speaking!"

"Great. It's Neil."

"Neil? Well I haven't talked to you since camp! How've you been? You still talk to Nikki?"

"I've been good, haha- yea. I still talk to Nikki. I wanted to ask uh-"


"Does.. does Max work there?"

"Well he is my son, I'd sure hope he does."

"Great. We'll visit tomorrow. Don't tell Max we're coming. I wanna surprise him."

"Alrighty! Talk to you tomorrow than!"

And then Neil hung up. He contemplated whether or not he should call Nikki, and tell her he's found where they can talk to Max.

They left camp when they were 12. And Max and Nikki left on awkward terms. Somewhat between dating and not. Well, as close to dating that 12 year olds could get. Mainly hugs and cheesy pickup-lines. Then they turned 13. They were too old for camp Campbell. So the three agreed that they would skip out on hanging out that summer, and Neil and Nikki would come back as counselors when they were 14.

But then the anxiety kicked in. Well for both of them. Nikki looking over her application and saying "What if he doesn't think we're cool anymore? What if he has different friends?" And Neil having the same anxiety. They decided they'd go as counselors next year. And then 2 years turned to 3, and then 4. Now they were 16, and they haven't seen Max in 4 years.

Neil was nervous as hell. But this was the right thing to do. They had apologies to their best friend to make. And they had to reconnect and at least say Hi.

So then it was the day they'd visit Max. Nikki didn't know. He didn't have the courage to tell her the surprise visit he was planning.

"What's this new coffee shop we're going to?" Nikki asked

"It's a small place. Just opened up last week. I called in today to talk to the manager." Neil responded

And then they were outside the shop, Neil kept the name of the place out of Nikki's view.

"What's it called?"

Neil laughed and opened the door. Nikki walked inside, and then he walked inside.

"Greenwood Café."

"Wait what."

Nikki didn't have time to process anything because the only employee she saw currently working was a waiter and a woman at the counter.

The woman at the counter was the same Gwen she had known as a kid. She had a wedding ring, obviously since she was married to David.

...And then she saw the waiter.

The waiter was Max. Now he had a short start of facial hair on his chin. He had his same messy natural curls, so no change there. His left ear was pierced with a light pink earring. He wore a backwards blue and pink baseball cap, and a jean jacket that was a similar color to the blue on his hat. He has a pink undershirt, and an apron since he was working, the nametag obviously reading 'Max'.

Gwen gasped as she saw who entered the shop. Maybe if just Neil had come she wouldn't of noticed, but it was hard to miss Nikki with her green hair.

"David you will not believe who the fuck just showed up!" Gwen called into the back room.

Max curiously looked to Gwen after collecting the money from the table he had been serving. And then he looked towards the door. "Holy shit-" he mumbled. "Nikki? Neil?"

"Max!" Nikki grinned and waved. For this being a total surprise, Nikki sure was handling this well.

Max walked over to them. "I haven't seen you guys in like.. years!"

"Haha, yea." Nikki looked down.

And here comes the awkward part.

"Uh- why..?"

Neil raised an eyebrow. "Huh?"

"Just- nothing. Just wondering why you guys never.. showed up at camp, when we were 14? You guys kinda said you would come but-" Max looked up. "I Uh, sorry. Haha." Max awkwardly grinned.

The color drained from Nikki face, and then Neil started talking. "Well, we were going to but-" "SCHOOL!" Nikki cut him off.

Neil looked at Nikki, confused. "We, school- we got very busy with school. We're sorry. We couldn't come work as counselors and we're so so so sorry!" Nikki had an upset expression, she looked at Neil, he gave her a disappointed look and turned to Max.

"Yea, school." Neil muttered

Max sighed. "Yea, it's whatever- how've you guys been?"

Nikki shrugged. "Nothing much."

"Let's sit down." Max smiled.


And then they'd come to the shop daily, and soon, only two weeks into hanging out again, it was like they never left camp in the first place.

And then a certain conversation came up.

And that just made everything more awkward.

"Haha! Shit, I haven't even told my girlfriend about this-" Max accidentally slipped out during conversation.

"Woah woah woah, girlfriend?" Nikki grinned, slamming her hands on the table. She was a very nosy person. "Spill."

"Oh- you'll fucking hate me if I told you who it was- hah. I mean, she used to be kind of a bitch, but she's been nicer and kinda sweet, probably the reason I accepted her asking me out in the first place." Max sipped his coffee.

"I don't care, who is it?! Wait, you said it was someone we knew. Who? Who who who, Max you gotta spill. Is it Ered? Nerri-"

"It's Sasha."

And Max regretted those two words the second they came out of his mouth

Nikki's bubbly voice faded, as she processed it, and then turned somewhat confused as she readjusted in her seat.

"I know you hate her probably- but she's been like a lot nicer these past few years, Nik. It's just- she's a good person now. Trust me on this?" Max said softly.

"God this better not turn into the fucking situation back at camp."

"Oh shut the fuck up Neil, we were 12 and stupid." Max rolled his eyes.

"Just sayin, Neil owes me 30 bucks if you two end up a thing again. Then again, I don't think it's considered 'a thing' when you literally gave her a flower meaning rejection." Neil stifled a laugh as he drank his tea

"Like I said, I was stupid." Max swished his coffee cup a bit, looking into it.

"Things were so much easier back then." Both the boys turned to look at Nikki, each raising an eyebrow.

"Running around camp, hanging out, just being friends, even if it was a bit romantic between you and I, Max. I kinda miss those days, y'know?" Nikki mumbled.

Max looked down at his drink. And had a realization, that he realized has been happening these past two weeks.

Fuck, Sasha is gonna hate the fact that Max is starting to have a crush on Nikki again.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2018 ⏰

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