chapter 3 Shooken Up

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Welcome to chapter 3 i just wanted to say even if theres only 1 person who reads this id like to thank you this is pretty hard to come up with ideas for this story so thank you alot! Now lets get to the story

As Zane mumbles to himself the door opens he looks up to see Travis standing at the door...Zane canr move hes frozen and he cant talk either but Travis sais something..."i...I told them what happened at Olive Garden...and its ok you dont know how much i loved you holding me as tight as you did and i didnt mind at all i enjoyed that... I love you and i would do anything for you... Zane nev-" Zane cuts him off by hugging him and then gently kisses him, they stay like this for a moment then when they stop before they go out Travis sais this "hehe u may be a fat nugget but thay nust means i love a fat little nugget...hehe" "oh shut it Jack frost" Zane sais they both end up laughing and while they walk out everyone gives them that look when someones saying "you like him dont you" they both slightly blush but then Travis looks at Katlyn who looks like she has been crying  he walks over there and sais " no matter who I date your bo-...GAH!" Katlyn punched him in the gut and then "DONT EVER SAY THAT, YOU PERVERT! NOT NOW NOT TOMORROW NOT EVER!!!" Katlyn yells "ok..." Travis sais in pain, Zane rushes over to help Travis up and everyone gets that look again...that 'you like him dont you' look Zane ignores it and helps him up and brings him to the bed, Zane then gives Katlyn a dirty look " What!? I always do that and you never seemed to care to much!" Katlyn sais " Yea but that was before he confessed his love to me...Katlyn!" Katlyn lets out a depressing sigh as if her dog just died "Travis are you okay...i hope your okay" Zane said in a worried tone "Zane im fine this happens all the time your worried for no reason calm down" Travis tries to calm him down but every attempt fails so he tried something else...he gently kissed his cheek(on the face hes not thay much of a perv ok...)Zane calmed down and nervously laughed cuz he was a bit embaressed at that point cuz everyones staring at them...and Kawaii~chan was upset cuz this ruined her ship for Travlyn "now Kawaii~chan is very upset,now Travlyn is over and so is Zane~chan hmph" Kawaii~cha said as she looked at Zane and Travis "well guess what i know a new ship that may or may not become ur otp..." Zane sais glancing at Garroth "baby brother dont"Garroth sais staring at Zane "Garroth likes Laurence he told me when i dashed into the restroom beforw we went to Olive Garden" Zane said as Garroth started chasing him around the room "Garroth" Laurence said in a confused voice " hust said i had certain feelings for you"Garroth sais as he grabs Zane...ya know the saying 'saved by the bell...' well Zane was saved by the Laurence...Laurence pulled Garroth off of Zane so Zane wouldnt get hurt but while turning him around the first thing Laurence did was kiss Garroth and then everyone but those 2 covered their ears becuz... "GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAHAHAHA EEEHEHEEHEEEHEEELEKEKEEEHEEKEHEEHEHEHHEHEKEKKEKEKKEKEKEKEKKEKEHEHEHHEHEHHEHEHEKEKKE" Kawaii~chan squealed

Okay im done writing for now i may write later today Bye

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