In The Walls

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Ah, summer time is the best time, right? Wrong. At least for a police officer with the LAPD, El Segundo district. During this time of year you have a bunch of kids that have nothing better to do on summer vacation other than get into mischief. Though, she just got out of the Police Academy and was one of those kids, she knows now what it feels like to the police when we go out and egg a former teacher’s house. Being a female, young, small police officer doesn’t make anything any easier. Her name is Arianna Lewis. She has been working with the LAPD, El Segundo district for about 6 months now, so she is the newest rookie. She works the graveyard shift, so she doesn’t get home until about 4 AM. Tonight is like every other night. Or so she thinks…

~Story Time~         

          Arianna Lewis came home around 4 AM, as usual. Goody! Now I can do what I want with her. She is my new, little toy. So, I want to make my new little toy last as long as possible before I break her. That means I have to be a little more cautious with my plans. What should I do first? Oh! I could start with something subtle…like scratching on the walls. She will never find me. She can’t see me. No one can see me. Ha ha! This is going to be so much fun!

          I will just wait here for her to come in. Then I will start scratching and scratching and scratching until she is scared.

           There she is. Scratch! I dragged my nails along the wall nice and slow so I could make her hear it long enough to start wondering and making her think that it can’t possibly be just a bump in the night. No. A simple bump in the night won’t do.  She is looking around. Obviously trying to figure out where it could be coming from. Good, I want to see her feeble attempt to find me. It’s like a cat playing with a mouse.

~Arianna Lewis POV~

          I heard the noise when I walked into my bedroom. It was a long, loud scratching noise. At first I thought that maybe it was rats or mice or some other kind of wild animal, but then I noticed that a wild animal wouldn’t drag out the noise that long. A wild animal would never do that. Never a rat or a mouse, they are too small to make a noise that loud. Besides, they make skittering noises. Maybe I should call pest control?  

          I guess I will just ignore it for now. What more can a little scratching do? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. There is nothing to worry about. But…it is a little creepy.

I just moved into this house a few weeks ago and I always feel like I’m being watched. I feel a little chill run down my spine and the hairs on my arms and the back of my neck stand on end. I make sure all doors and windows are locked and the curtains and blinds are shut all the way, but I just can’t get rid of this feeling. What the hell?

Oh well, Arianna, what could a house possibly do to. It’s just old. That’s all, nothing to get all freaked out about.

That’s what I told myself at least, but I still wasn’t convinced…

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