Chapter Three - Three Rules

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"I just.." he began. "I-I'm gay." He said, in barely a whisper. I darted my eyes towards him. He looked at me with sad eyes, rubbing the back of his neck.

I furrowed my brows. "You say that as if you're ashamed of it." I stated, though my shaky voice caused it to sound like a question. He shrugged.

"My parents are always going on and on, about their disgust for the LGBTQ+ community," he explained, his voice breaking. "If I told them.. God, I don't know what they'd do."

He had tears in his eyes, and he turned away to hide them. I couldn't imagine what he has been going through for the past months, even years. My heart broke.

"I'm sorry. Jay, this doesn't change you. You're still my best friend, and I love you the same. No matter what." I assured him, as I pulled him in for a hug. He placed his hands on my upper back and held me tightly. After a minute, he released his hold.

"I'm glad you told me." I gave him a small smile. He looked up.

"Thanks for understanding. You can't tell anyone, though."

I nodded. "I won't. I promise. Have you come out to anyone else?"

"Not yet."

"Not even Brendon?" I asked, and he shook his head. Surprisingly, I was slightly shocked. 

"Tonight, Liam and David have been pushing me to make a move on Annalise," he said. "I.. I think I upset her."

"What do you mean? What happened?" I asked with curiosity.

"We were playing Seven Minutes in Heaven, and Annalise and I were obviously put together..." he explained.


"Timer starts now!" David yelled, as he shut the door, leaving us in darkness. 

"I can't see anything. Where are you?" Annalise said, softly. 

"I'm right here." I rubbed my eyes, trying to adjust to the darkness. Suddenly, she bumped into me. 

"Shit, sorry," she giggled as she turned around to face me. Our bodies were so close and radiating with heat, and I just know that my face was red as a tomato right now. Good thing the lights were off. 

My heart was pounding as she placed her hand on my chest. Is the timer up yet? God, this is the longest seven minutes of my life. Her fingers slowly trailed up my neck before pulling me down to meet her lips. Before I could do anything, we were kissing. Making out, even. I don't know why I let her, my mind was blank. 

It's fine, it's just kissing.

She deepened the kiss and pulled us even closer, so that our lower bodies were practically glued. She's bold. 

Out of nowhere, I felt stinging pressure on my foot and accidentally let out a groan. I tried to break the kiss but I guess she took that as a verbal cue to continue. She's stepping on my foot. Damn, her heels are thick.

Her left hand lowered from my chest to the waistband of my jeans. This is bad. This is so bad. I panicked, not knowing what to do. I pulled my head away, breaking the kiss. I tried to gesture her away, forgetting that we're in pitch black and she couldn't see anything. Before I could speak, she gently rubbed her hand on my crotch.

"I-I can't do this," I pulled away and left the room as soon as I could. 

"What's wrong?" She called after me. I could hear David complaining that I still had a minute left, but I obviously couldn't give two shits about the game. 

I locked myself in the closest bathroom to get myself together.



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