The rainbow that was stolen

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The infirmary doors fly open as 2 campus security wheel Y/n through on a gurney, the unconscious young man is placed onto the bed as the medical staff take over and begin to prep him for surgery.

From outside of the window, king, maiden, Ozpin and Blake are all watching on. The silence is broken as Ozpin sighs heavily and turns towards Y/n's parents.

Ozpin: "perhaps now would be a good time to explain everything to me. I'm no stranger to the mad and out of the ordinary I assure you."

Maiden: "it's not that we wish to hide knowledge from you Ozpin, it's just that this is dangerous. I couldn't bare to lose him again."

King of D: "it's alright honey. If Ozpin wasn't on our side, he would have never helped us in the first place. I'll tell you everything."

Maiden: "I'll stay with Y/n. You boys go talk."

Blake: "I'll stay here too."

The kind of dragons kisses his wife on the cheek
King of D: "let me know if there's any change while I'm gone."

The 2 men shut the door as they leave the infirmary leaving Blake and maiden.

Maiden: "So... do you love my son?"

Blake: "What? Erm no- I-I mean, he's great, and handsome- n-not handsome but.. *sigh* damn it."

Maiden: "I apologise for being so blunt with you Blake, but I can tell when someone's hiding something, and the way you're looking at Y/n is the same way I look at his father. Must say though, it's a rather short time to have fallen for him like you have."

Blake: "yeah... unfortunately that partly due to my erm... heat cycle."

Maiden: "heat cycle? You mean like certain creatures have? Interesting."

Blake: "you're not concerned or freaked out at all?"

Maiden: *loud chuckle* Blake my son is a dragon in a human body, I'm in an entirely different universe than I'm used to, and the moon here is partially destroyed. Nothing surprises me anymore. But you mentioned that it was only part of the reason. Whats the other part?"

Blake: "me and Y/n have a lot in common. We don't want anyone to be hurt because of us so we distance ourselves from anyone else. But when he opened up to me about his fears of hating who he once was and learning he's happy not knowing, it gave me hope that I can one day move on from my past. It's just gunna take some time y'know?"

Maiden: "well, whatever has happened in your past doesn't matter, it's what you do in the here and now that matters."

*meanwhile- Ozpin's office*

Ozpin: "please sit."

King of D sits opposite to Ozpin, his guitar resting on the side of the desk.

Ozpin: "now then, let's discuss Y/n's past."

King of D: "Where to begin? Ok well let's start off with the basics. Currently there is 3 universes. For simplicity we'll call them the duel universe, huntsman universe, and the spirit universe. At the beginning of our universe, 3 gods made our race, the duel spirits. From them came 3 sacred beasts. They are the gods messengers in a way, along with a select few others of mass power. Then you have me. The king of dragons, I stand as one of the royalty to monster types, there's insect queen who rules over all insects if you couldn't guess, lord poison is the king of plant monsters and so on. Us royalty create all the monsters beneath us. So all dragons are my children, and usually they can't create their own sub group... but Y/n was an exception. He is the rainbow dragon, and he created the crystal beasts spirits. For a time, we were happy... so so happy. Then the event we call the universal rebirth happened, 4 universes which had originally split from 1 returned to their original state. The universe was reborn as one place, and with the rebirth came the return of one man, the man who originally created the duel disk. Seto Kaiba and his company returned to the universe too. It wasn't long before Kaiba regained control of his side project 'duel academy' and continued his experiments into what he called 'duel-splicing' which meant taking a humans DNA and a duel spirit and placing them both into the same body. You keeping up so far? Good, because this is where it gets complicated! See, whilst this was all going on, my sons monsters had befriended a young man named Jesse Anderson. A happy go lucky duelist with a kind heart and a thirst for adventure. Sure enough, it wasn't long before Y/n and his newly created spirits 'the crystal beasts' joined the man on his journey... then Seto came. He had his hired thugs kill the young man, and steal his deck.
Y/n was lost to us as he was placed inside a humans body. But I guess the anger never truly left him, seen as that form we saw of Y/n was a dark and twisted version of his true splendour. I just hope Seto won't bring anymore hired help through to this universe."

Ozpin: "so this 'Seto Kaiba' is a madman?"

King of D: "that's putting it gently. Kaiba was obsessed with finding a person as good as his old rival to duel against, I guess he thought taking one of the best duellists and melding him with one of the strongest cards would create the ultimate duellist... and unfortunately he was right."

Ozpin: "what happened to your universe?"

King of D: "burnt, the entire place burnt to the ground and destroyed. A small number of us fled and took on disguise in different universes, a few I think are here in this universe now I think of it, but anyway! Back on track, Seto took every spirit he could find, and destroyed those who tried to stop him and his goons. My wife and I survived by placing our spirits into Y/n's deck, temporarily creating new cards, I managed to manipulate his other cards to hide his true identity from himself too." He places his head in his hands "and I failed him."

Ozpin: "perhaps you did, or perhaps his power would have emerged eventually either way, who's to know for sure? What maters now is that we prepare ourselves in case duel academy sends anymore scouts out for him."

King of D: "you, you mean you plan to still help him? Why?"

Ozpin: "I have seen many things happen in this world, I've made more mistakes than any man women or child... and I will never turn my back on someone in need."

King of D: "I was wrong about you, you're a good man Oz. Thank you."

Ozpin: "you are welcome. And I want you to know you are free to stay here for as long as you need to. You are safe with us, you and your family are protected by myself and my allies. Speaking of which, there is a tournament coming up, the Vital festival bring all the schools from across the globe together to compete. How would you feel about having your son compete as a one man team?"

King of D: "one man? Hardly fitting. I do know of some of my kind who have had to take human form, perhaps I could reach out to some of my kin and grant them passage to this universe, with your permission of course."

Ozpin: "an excellent suggestion. He will need 3, I will leave the decision up to you."

King of D: "oh don't worry, I know just who to choose."

*next time on fanfics*

King of D: "my son requires some teammates. I think you'll be perfect. So, how about it?"

Neos: "bring it on."

Kings knight: "it would be an honour to fight by the princes side my liege."


King of D: "she is our last option... and my last choice."

???: "So... who needs to die?"

 who needs to die?"

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