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i want to take this time to say happy birthday to my gurl, my role model SELENA GOMEZ i became a fan since barney and always have been supporting her, shes a huge inspiration not to just me but to lots of other fans. shes the most strongest person i have met no matter how many death threats, hate, jelena hate, and just natually hate that people send to her she always seems to have a smile on her face, shes natually a wonderful person who people dont get to see they just believe what the media says. whos SELENA GOMEZ? shes a beautiful caring women who has the most bigggest fucking heart ever!!!!!!!! Selena isnt a whore, slut, bitch, cunt,ugly,  a girl who cant sing for shit SELENA GOMEZ ia a PERSON and she has a heart just like any one of us. selena gomez is my biggest inspiration and i adore her for who she is.......A caring, Wonderful, Beautiful, Intelligent, Inspirational women!!!!! I LOVE YOU SELENA MARIE GOMEZ AND HAPPY BIRTHDAAYY!!!!!!!!!!!

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