Secretly Pregnant: A Nemi One-Shot.

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Secretly Pregnant: A Nemi One-Shot!

My name is Demi and I'm a twenty-one year old nursing school drop out living in New Jersey. I live with my thirteen month old son Elliott in our apartment. It's not the life I wanted, but I love my little guy so much, he's perfect. My relationship with his father Nick is a rocky one. This explains why he doesn't live with us and still lives with his parents. After all, we had only been together for two months when the two pink lines appeared on the test. Nick was in denial that Elliott was his and his only involvement up until a few months ago was his child support checks. We both love drinking and partying and the only difference now is that I gave all that up and Nick still goes out with his buddies three times a week. Only recently had he became a father figure in our son's life and our relationship has become "normal" again. The only problem is I'm keeping a secret from him, something I'm terrified to tell him because things just got good again and well I don't want them ungood...I'm five months pregnant.

As I look down at my growing belly I know I can't hide it much longer. The baggy clothes and belly wrap can't conceal how big I'm getting. After all, he wants sex and he's bound to get suspicious soon. As I stand up and walk over to my mirror pulling up my shirt I grumble at the site thinking soon I'll be a single mother of two and mumble to myself "getting bigger every day." I start the tedious process of wrapping my belly with a bandage that sucks everything in, I then put on a tank made of spandex to squeeze it in even more, struggling into my skinny jeans and a loose fitting top and finally a scarf to deter his eyes anywhere, but my belly. I grab Elliott and go out to my car because I'm meeting Nick for lunch. I plan on getting there early so I'll already be sitting when he arrives. As I drive to the restaurant I look back at Elliot in his seat playing with his stuffed animal "What do you say baby? Will momma finally put on her big girl panties and tell daddy?" This just causes him to start saying momma repeatedly, which is adorable and annoying all at the same time. I make it through lunch, and no I didn't tell him.

One Month Later:

Another month goes by. I still haven't told him. I recently found out that the baby is a girl who I plan on naming Drew. This is supposed to be a happy occasion. However, Nick still doesn't know and I have no idea how I ever can tell him. The only way I have been able to continue to keep it a secret is that he has been working more shifts and so have I so we're usually not available at the same time Hopefully with this news it will make it easier, maybe if I do it in a public place he won't react as badly. I grab my phone and call Nick. He picked up on the third ring, I secretly was hoping he wouldn't.

"Hey Baby"

"Hey Nick, I was thinking about taking Elliot to the park and was wondering if you wanted to meet us there"

"Sure hun. What time?"

"Great. About a half hour, see you then."

"Yeah sounds good. Bye"


I hung up and ran through the steps again, of course not able to conceal everything, but if I'm telling him why should it matter? We met at a bench in the park, he was a little late as usual, but he sat down on the bench next to me going in for a hug, but I denied it.

"What was that all about?" he said, bending down and picking up Elliot bouncing him in his lap.

"Nothing, I just have something to tell you is all" I bit down on my lip.

"Then tell me Demi it's not that hard, I'm listening" he said that although he seemed to be more distracted by Elliot, this probably wasn't entirely a bad thing.

"Well you see I am afraid you will be mad at me" I let out a deep sigh.

"Well I guess it depends on what it is, but you should really just tell me." I could tell anger was developing in his voice at my stalling.

"I'm pregnant" There was a long pause before either of us said anything "Nick?"

"Well whose baby is it Demetria? It can't be mine because you haven't had sex with me in a long time."

"That's kind of the thing, I am six months pregnant"

"You're joking right, you did not hide a pregnancy from me for six months" I tried avoiding eye contact with him. However I just nodded feeling tears build up in my eyes. "If you had told me sooner we could have had an abortion and solved this problem way sooner."

"Don't you see asshole? That's not what I wanted, I'm not killing a child"

"Regardless of what you want, you have barely enough money to pay for Elliot and you want to throw another baby into the picture? How did you hide this from me, shouldn't you be fatter?"

"Nick," I swallowed the tears, standing up and lifting my shirt revealing my tactics of hiding it. "People are starting to stare."

"Good, because they should know I don't want anything to do with whatever boy or girl you expect me to take care of."

"Girl" I mumbled not able to keep the tears in any longer crying as he left."

Three Months Later:

I just delivered Drew and she is absolutely gorgeous, totally worth the pain I have suffered the last few months. Nick never came around so it looks like I am going to be a single mom after all. I only have myself to blame. I had to stop working shortly after I told Nick because I was put on bed rest due to complications. It was a good thing I had worked those extra shifts because after a while I could barely afford to keep food on the table for me and Elliot. I'm not sure what life will bring me, I just wish I had some help. I dozed off while they took Drew away and when I woke up I couldn't believe it, Nick was standing there holding flowers and a little pink teddy bear. "Nick?" I honestly thought it was a dream.

"I'm sorry for the hell I have put you threw Demi, I know you won't believe it, but I have changed, I want to be a father to my children and I want to be your girlfriend"

"What made you change your mind."

"I saw this single mother struggling at the park one day with her kids, while I was going for a run and I just couldn't help, but think that is what I was doing to you, it was never that I didn't like kids I think I was just scared financially, but that was dumb of me because I love you and Elliot so much. How scary can it really be?"

One Year Later:

Nick and I are happier then ever, he has an amazing paying job which has helped us move into our dream home. We recently got engaged and Elliot and Drew are so perfect and adorable. Elliot is an amazing big brother. I bet you probably guessed it, I recently found out that I am pregnant with our third child, and we're thrilled to grow our family, just living our love filled life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2014 ⏰

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